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Problem accesing remote SHARE on Server 2008R2 running under VMWARE esxi 5.x

Posted by admin on 12.10.2013

Problem accesing remote SHARE on Server 2008R2 running under VMWARE esxi 5.x


Wondering why backup one of our Webserver for the last 7 days did not work and finally found it. 😉


You can’t acces \\SERVERNAME\c$ or a remote share with \\FQDN\share or \\iPADDRESS\share on a Server 2008R2 SP1.

All Hotfixes are installed all updates to POST SP1. DNS, IP/netmask all correct. Ipconfig/flushdns, /registerdns done >

No second interface hidden > no error in events. All Chimney/Offload options tried Bindig orders with ALT correct >

Still errors…



This happens with migrated ESXi 4 > 5 hosts with VMWARE tools installed. (What we think)


Contains a list of the available network providers in the order in which they are accessed.

To appear in this list, a network provider must be represented by a subkey under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services.

It must be a member of the NetworkProvider service group , and it must have a networkprovider subkey in its Services subkey. The NetworkProvider

subkey stores information for the Multiple Provider Router. The service group for each service is stored in the value of Group .


Sample From working Microsoft reference 2008R2 in LAB
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00










2008R2 reference in lab working


2008R2 Server with not RDP access and no Share access to other machines or Server (FQDN or IP)

“ProviderOrder”=” vmhgfs”

Working Server 2008R2:

ProviderOrder: RDPNP,LanmanWorkstation

VMware Tools:  8.6.5 build 621624

Working Server 2008R2:

ProviderOrder: vmhgfs,RDPNP,LanmanWorkstation

VMWare Tools: 8.6.11 build 1015158

Reference found:




 Category published:  VMWare   Click on the Category button to get more articles regarding that product.