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Patchday May 2015, Windows Update 3020369 W7 stuck at stage 3 of 3

Posted by admin on 18.05.2015

Patchday May 2015, Windows Update 3020369 W7 stuck at stage 3 of 3

Following of the four Mai/May 2015 Windows Updates from Patchday could get your Windows 7/8.x both 32BIT and 64BIT or Server 2008 R2 stuck at the stage “stage 3 of 3” Preparing to configure Windows. Do not turn off your computer.

 We think on Windows 7 64BIT this is caused by KB 3020369 which was reported false by some blogs as KB 3020269. This was an intermin patch released on 22.04.2014 (Between Avril and May Patchday intermin)

This seems related or narrowed down to those four Updates together with the May 2015 updates.

KB 3020369 (reported wrong by some blogs and copied 1:1 to other blogs 3020269 ;-)) (Read only DC)

On Server 2008 R2 this is the patch causing problems.


KB 3020370 > MAY 2015

KB 3045645 > MAY 2015

KB 3013531 (Windows Phone update .MKV Files)


May 2015 patches:



Microsoft 3020369

Restart stuck on “Stage 3 of 3”

After you install update 3020369 together with other updates, a restart may be required to complete the installation. During this restart, you may find yourself stuck on “Stage 3 of 3.”


If you encounter this issue, press Ctrl+Alt+Delete to continue to log on. This should occur only one time and does not prevent updates from installing successfully.


The case is NOT related to KB 3046002.

Just press CTRL – ALT – DEL to skip the page. All updates should be installed correct.

This has also happened on an older patch KB 2533552.


Falls Sie diesen Logon Screen nach dem installieren von Windows Updates sehen melden Sie sich

Bitte durch Drücken der drei Tasten CTRL-ALT-DEL an Ihrem System an. Bitte stellen Sie den

PC nicht ab/aus.




CTRL – ALT – DEL (Drei Finger Combo)





 Category published:  Uncategorized   Click on the Category button to get more articles regarding that product.