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ODBCCONF.exe command line tool for generating ODBC Entry

Posted by admin on 15.10.2012

ODBCCONF.exe is a command-line tool that allows you to configure ODBC drivers and data source names.

ODBCConf ConfigSysDSN “SQL Server” “DSN=LocalODBCConnection|SERVER=(local)” for MySQL
ODBCConf ConfigSysDSN “MySQL” “DSN=LocalODBCConnection|SERVER=MySQL_ServerName”

To get the correct Connection String for your DB reference this site:

Do understand the difference between SYSTEM and USER DNS:

You cant’ give over username and password for the ODBC connection so you use this tool to change existing entrys only. MS wants use to use Logged on credentials and then make A ADS group where the user is in or not. Windows Authentication. The only way to make entrys with credentials would be to export the Registry key and then import via regedt.exe

 Category published:  Deployment GPO | Gruppenrichtlinien Intunes   Click on the Category button to get more articles regarding that product.