Try our new Certificate Revocation List Check Tool
CRLcheck.exe is a tool developed to verify digital signatures of executable files. It collects files from known paths on your client, checks their signature, and checks Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) and OCSP download. This helps avoid delays in launching files.
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NTFAQ/BUTSCH Admin Links most used

Posted by admin on 25.11.2007

N T F A Q . C H    L I N K S

SMTP/E-Mail/RFC Zmailer CGI Script fpr checking SMTP Servers RFC conform. Witzh this site you can check if your E-Mail Server is setup correct and answers how it should. E
Probleme mit OS Die einzige und originale NTFAQ E Sehr gute Testseite für Hardware D
Ebends Windows 2000 – FAQ Sammlung der wichtigsten Fragen aus D Sehr gute Admin Seite, Lanman Disks, Distribution, Registry uvm. E, Informationen zu den Windows NT/2000 ID-Nummern in der Ereignisanzeigen. Gute Ratschläge wie die Probleme zu lösen sind. E Active Directory Tools (Replication, Diagnostic, ADFIND ADMOD welche weit ueber die Tools welche im Resource Kit enthalten sind hinaus gehen.. E
IP, Protokolle, DNS, Subnets, Reverse-DNS, Mailcheck
Reverse DNS Auflösung Checker If you own you own ip subnet (8/16 Ip address) and you run your own E-Mail Server the Reverse DNS is important because more and more ISP check these entrys because of SPAM. With this website you can check if your DNS does correct R-DNS resolution. E
Check if your are on about 50 Blacklists and RDNS Checks Check if your are on about 50 Blacklists and RDNS Checks E
The DNS Sleuth – DNS Online DIG aehnlich pruefen! The DNS Sleuth – An online tool for checking of DNS zones E
Check your DNS MX-records from 3 diffrent sites via Script Problems with E-Mail receiving? Then check you E-Mail Server MX records with this tool from 3 sources. E
How to configure a subnetted reverse lookup zone on Windows This knowledgebase entry descibes in detail for NT/2K and 2004 how to setup the Reverse DNS for a subnet correct. E
subnetonline Diverse Programme zum berechnen von Subnet. E All protocols explained in Details ZCP/IP/ATM/UMTS etc. low level details also for coders E
System Management Server 2003
Problembehandlung von Verwaltungspunkten Low level Problembehandlung von Verwaltungspunkten für Microsoft Systems Management Server 2003 D
smsguys/Blog MSI package deployment overview: How-To and How-Not-To E
SMS/MOM WebLog by Russ Slaten VB-Scripts, SMS 2003 E
Microsoft – SMS 2003 Community Blogs E
SMS 2003 Tools Die wichtigsten kostenlosen SMS 2003 Tools E
Desktop Engineer / Deployment Links
RIS, Windows PE 2.0/2.1, Intel 1000/Gigabit, Zu grosse INF Files Error message when you use an RIS server to deploy a CD-ROM-based image or a WinPE flat image on an RIS client computer D
Deployment, RogueSpear’s Forums RogueSpear’s Forums. AutoImage and ScriptPack Support Forums E
WinPE2 with BDD 3.0 beta J. Greg’s Brain Corral E
Windows PE 2.0/2.1 Vmware Treiber download Windows PE 2.0/2.1 Vmware Treiber download E
Windows Installer Tools & Tips Windows Installer Tools & Tips E
Windows Installer Team Blog Windows Installer Team Blog E
Script to modify MSI sourcepaths Script to modify MSI sourcepaths. Needed if you want to fix repair functionality for installed packages of which the sourcepaths have changed. Key is MSI productcode, value is new sourcepath. E
PCI, Vendor Details Suche nach Treibern. Search for Device ID and Hardware Info in large DB. E
Deployment Office 2000/2003 Migration
Office Upgrade Best Practices: Office 2000 to Office 2003 Office Upgrade Best Practices: Office 2000 to Office 2003 E
VMWare Repaketierung
Windows\profile\Application Data\VMware\hgfs.dat VMWARE Workstation und “Shared Folder” mit Raoming Profile. Windows\profile\Application Data\VMware\hgfs.dat Fehler E

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