MDT/SCCM, bluescreen intcpmt.sys, A0 on W10 1909, Intel Platform Technology driver on DELL 5690
We have a customer where, besides other OS releases, we still run Windows 10 1909 because they have so many different DELL laptop models. We roll out 1909 and then silently update it to Windows 10 21XX afterward.
This week, we encountered a case where the integration of the DELL drivers for the DELL Precision 5690 laptop caused a bluescreen after the initial Litetouch.vbs/PXE/WinPE phase, during the first OS boot of W10.
Intel Platform Monitoring Technology-Treiber | Treiberdetails | Dell Schweiz
ERROR: Bluescreen, intcpmt.sys
Does not work on: W10 1909 DE PRO 64BIT
Driver package File from DELL used: Precision-5690-9V6C7_Win10_1.0_A03.exe
Driver affected from that driver package single file download: Intel-Platform-Monitoring-Technology-Driver_8MF4M_WIN64_3.1.2.2_A00_01.EXE
Directory: Precision-5690-9V6C7_Win10_1.0_A03\Precision-5690\Win10\x64\chipset\XFMCJ_A00-00\0\Drivers\Release\product\intcpmt.sys
Filename: intcpmt.sys
devconx64 hwids *DEV_7D0D* |
Hardware IDs: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_7D0D&SUBSYS_0CC81028&REV_01 PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_7D0D&SUBSYS_0CC81028 PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_7D0D&CC_118000 PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_7D0D&CC_1180 Compatible IDs: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_7D0D&REV_01 PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_7D0D PCI\VEN_8086&CC_118000 PCI\VEN_8086&CC_1180 PCI\VEN_8086 PCI\CC_118000&DT_9 PCI\CC_118000 PCI\CC_1180&DT_9 PCI\CC_1180 |
Driver file views
Driver Details in the *.inf file it is called in the intcpmt.sys it is 10.0.10011.16384?
After you import the drivers from the Precision-5690-9V6C7_Win10_1.0_A03.exe into MDT, delete that single driver
Restart the deployment process and the setup should work.
Now, we removed a single driver from the PNP Out-of-the-Box set provided by the manufacturer. Normally, we don’t have to do this for DELL machines.
This is something we’ve encountered over the past 15 years with HP laptops or desktops, where we often had to test different versions from HP, Intel, Broadcom, or other third-party component manufacturers to see which one worked best for the customer’s OS deployment and release. However, this is the first time we’ve had to do it for a DELL model setup.
If you still need the driver for your other 2HX Windows 10 setups, you can include it as a package and perform a silent installation alongside your applications.
DELL FILE: Intel-Platform-Monitoring-Technology-Driver_8MF4M_WIN64_3.1.2.2_A00_01.EXE
Just copy the setup files to an installation directory on your C: drive, such as `C:\dell\drivers\install`, and from there, perform a silent installation.
:: ———————————————————————————————————————————————————
:: – <content dchSupport=”true” baseOSBuildNumber=”0″>
DellInstaller_x64.exe /s /log=c:\dell\logfiles\INTELPLATFORMMONITOR.log 0
:: ———————————————————————————————————————————————————
Other brands an versions:
; ; ;Module Name: ; ; IntcPMT.INF ; ;Abstract: ; ; INF file for installing Intel(R) Platform Monitoring Technology driver ; ;–*/
[Version] Signature=”$WINDOWS NT$” Class=System ClassGuid={4d36e97d-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318} Provider=%ManufacturerString% PnpLockdown=1 DriverVer = 06/02/2023,
[ControlFlags] ExcludeFromSelect=*
[DestinationDirs] DefaultDestDir = 13
[SourceDisksNames] 1 = %DiskId1%,,,””
[SourceDisksFiles] intcpmt.sys = 1,,
[Manufacturer] %ManufacturerString%=Standard,NTamd64
; ; DisplayName Section DeviceId ; ———– ——- ——– %IntcPMT.DRVDESC% = CPUPMT_Device, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_7D0D %IntcPMT.DRVDESC% = CPUPMT_Device, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_AD0D
; ; CPU PCIe PMT Device Install ;
[CPUPMT_Device] CopyFiles = INTCPMT_CopyFiles
[CPUPMT_Device.HW] AddReg=pcie_addreg
[pcie_addreg] HKR,,PmtDeviceType,0x00010001,0x1 HKR,,DeviceFeatures,0x00010001,0xC
[CPUPMT_Device.Services] AddService=IntcPMT,0x00000002,INTCPMT_Service
; ; Common section ;
[INTCPMT_CopyFiles] intcpmt.sys
[INTCPMT_Service] DisplayName = %ServiceDesc% ServiceType = 1 ; SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER StartType = 0 ; SERVICE_BOOT_START ErrorControl = 1 ; SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL ServiceBinary = %13%\intcpmt.sys
[Strings] ManufacturerString = “Intel(R) Platform Monitoring Technology (PMT) Device” ServiceDesc = “Intel(R) Platform Monitoring Technology (PMT) Service” IntcPMT.DRVDESC = “Intel(R) Platform Monitoring Technology (PMT) Driver” DiskId1 = “Intel(R) Platform Monitoring Technology (PMT) Install Disk” |