- Please also check our post (https://www.butsch.ch/post/Exchange-2010-Resource-Rooms-Booking-Delegate-to-Assitant.aspx) which handles more complex rooms with delegates
In general you would give someone “Full access” with the ESM Exchange Management Konsole and that person then opens the Mailbox or Room with outlook.exe. Here is way to do this with powershell. As example if an assistant wants access to the calendar of her boss and he is on the plane. Please make sure you understand local laws and have the right to do so.
Important: The syntax keywords are language sensitive “Kalender or Calendar”
[PS] C:\>Get-MailboxFolderPermission “Sitzungszimmer_1_og:\calendar”
Der Vorgang konnte nicht ausgeführt werden, weil ‘Sitzungszimmer_1_og:\calendar’ nicht gefunden wurde. + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-MailboxFolderPermission], ManagementObjectNotFoundException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : AD004D43,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.StoreTasks.GetMailboxFolderPermission |
Show the usage of the wrong command for English Exchange and a German Exchange |
This is the place the end-user or you with outlook.exe would do such commands.
Screenshot above and below shows out of the box permission with nothing changed
Here is how to change to permissions:
Set-MailBoxFolderPermission Sitzungszimmer_2_OG:\kalender -User default -AccessRights PublishingEditor
Get-MailboxFolderPermission -identity sitzungszimmer_2_og:\kalender
Set-MailBoxFolderPermission Sitzungszimmer_2_OG:\calendar -User default -AccessRights PublishingEditor
Get-MailboxFolderPermission -identity sitzungszimmer_2_og:\calendar
Sets standard values for everyone which is authenticated on the Domain to “Publishing Editor”
A list of the English command can be found here: