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KEMP service option Detect Malicious Request Intrusion handling blocks Winword Blog posts

Posted by admin on 25.03.2024


The KEMP option “Detect Malicious Requests” blocks Winword from connecting to WordPress or blog provider configurations, changing or uploading existing blog entries with pictures.

We lost quite some time on this one because we were initially searching forever on our firewall and other WAF appliances. Finally, we found out that this is due to an option on our Kemp Load Balancer. I have just gone through all the logs on the KEMP and did not find it. Just reverted back to what we last changed and began documenting user changes. We updated Winword, re-checked all Office patches, and tried with other Office versions, but to no avail. As in 99% of cases, it was also NOT related to Trellix ENS 10.7 Firewall or Web Module.


What happens: When you try to change an existing blog provider, you receive the following error in Winword 2016:

Error: “Word cannot register your account. The provider you are trying to publish to is unavailable. Contact your provider for assistance.”


What happens: You load an old Winword and try to repost the blog or write a new blog with pictures.

Error: “Word cannot publish the picture in this post.” The issue ONLY occurs if the blog has larger pictures.




Pick the Service that points to your webserver with the blog

Advanced Properties

Take OUT the option “Detect Malicious Requests” “Intrusion handling” checkbox

And suddenly the search is over 😉




 Category published:  FW Fortigate KEMP Load Balancer Mcafee/Trellix SECURITY   Click on the Category button to get more articles regarding that product.