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Category published:  Microsoft Exchange MSME | Security for Exchange   Click on the Category button to get more articles regarding that product.

Exchange Public Folder Migration, Fixing malformed Category VBA Script Swiss version

Posted by admin on 15.10.2018

The store driver couldn’t deliver the public folder replication message “Backfill Request (SMTP Address)”
because the following error occurred: Property: [0x3ff00102] , PropertyErrorCode: UnknownError, PropertyErrorDescription: 0x8004010

> Was solved finally on Exchange 2010 SP3 WITH Rollup 2 > Please see end of document

 During Public Folder Migration you may have invalid Categories in Exchange 2003/2007. Here is help tools from Franks Website which we

Changed to a Swiss Exchange version with Umlaute included like “öüä”


Here is the problem / this Public Folder will NOT migrate to Exchange 2010 AND you can’t remove the Last replica from the 2003/2007 so you at the end can’t uninstall the Exchange 2003/2007


‘ Exchange Help tools Category Fix for Public Folder Migrations

‘ —————————————————————————

‘ This will find Outlook Appointment Categories and does replace invalid Chars

‘ If the replacement results in a double whitespace the double whitespace will be replaced by a single whitespace ” ” > ” ”

‘ Modified version from (Franks)

‘ OPEN Outlook > Extras > Macros > Visual Basic Editor > Left box click Project1 twice and insert this text

‘ Make a sample NEW Public Folder and a sample appointment on the 2003/2007 (Old) Exchange Server

‘ Start Script with green start button, select Public Folder where to replace


Report at the end:



‘ Exchange Help tools Category Fix for Public Folder Migrations

‘ —————————————————————————

‘ This will find Outlook Appointment Categories and does replace invalid Chars

‘ If the replacement results in a double whitespace the double whitespace will be replaced by a single whitespace

‘ Modified version from (Franks)

‘ OPEN Outlook > Extras > Macros > Visual Basic Editor > Left box click Project1 twice and insert this text

‘ Make a sample NEW Public Folder and a sample appointment on the 2003/2007 (Old) Exchange Server

‘ Start Script with green start button, select Public Folder where to replace

‘ —————————————————————————-

Sub FixCategory_Butsch_swiss_version()

Const fixmode = True ‘ set to true to enable “fixing”
Const ValidChar = “üöäabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789- ;_.”
Set objFolder = Outlook.GetNamespace(“MAPI”).PickFolder

Dim item As Object
Dim count, charcounter As Integer
Dim Categories As String
Dim Newcategories As String
Dim korreturen As String
Dim blnvalid As Boolean
Dim found As Boolean
Dim gefunden As Boolean
Dim colMatches
gefunden = False

count = 0
For Each item In objFolder.Items
    count = count + 1
    Categories = item.Categories
    blnvalid = True
    Newcategories = “”

For charcounter = 1 To Len(Categories)
    If InStr(1, ValidChar, Mid(Categories, charcounter, 1), vbTextCompare) Then
    Newcategories = Newcategories & Mid(Categories, charcounter, 1)


    blnvalid = False

End If

If Not blnvalid Then
    gefunden = True

        If fixmode Then
            ‘ Fix Dopplete Leerzeichen
            Newcategories = Replace(Newcategories, ” “, ” “)
            item.Categories = Newcategories
            korrekturen = korrekturen & “ALT: ” & Categories & “,NEU:” & Newcategories & vbCr
        End If

End If


If gefunden Then
    MsgBox korrekturen
    MsgBox “Ende nichts gefunden. No Items to fix found.”
End If
End Sub




Error Debug you may see in messagetracking logs:

Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.PropertyValidationException: Property validation failed. Property = [{00020329-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}:’Keywords’] Categories  Error = Element 0 in the multivalue property is invalid..

FAIL 554 5.6.0 STOREDRV.Deliver.Exception.ObjectValidation Failed to process message due to a permanent exception Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.ObjectValidationException: The object is invalid and cannot be saved

RecipientStatus : {554 5.2.0 STOREDRV.Deliver.Exception:PropertyErrorException; Failed to process message due t

o a permanent exception with message Property: [0x3ff00102] , PropertyErrorCode: UnknownError

, PropertyErrorDescription: 0x80040107. PropertyErrorException: Property: [0x3ff00102] , Prop

ertyErrorCode: UnknownError, PropertyErrorDescription: 0x80040107. [Stage: Delivery]}

TotalBytes : 4420

RecipientCount : 1

RelatedRecipientAddress :

Reference :

MessageSubject : Backfill Request


Update Rollup 2 for Exchange Server 2010 SP3 addresses the vulnerabilities that are described in Microsoft Security Bulletin MS13-061
and resolves the issues that are described in the following Microsoft Knowledge Base (KB) articles:

Public Folder contents are not replicated successfully from Exchange Server 2003 or Exchange Server 2007 to Exchange Server 2010

Consider the following scenario:•You have an environment that Update Rollup 4 for Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 2 (SP2) or a later update or version of Exchange Server 2010 coexists with Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 or Microsoft Exchange Server 2007.
•You try to replicate Public Folder contents from Exchange Server 2003 or Exchange Server 2007 to Exchange Server 2010.
In this scenario, some Public Folder contents are not replicated from Exchange Server 2003 or Exchange Server 2007 to Exchange Server 2010. Additionally, the following event is logged in the Application log:
Log Name:      Application
Source:        MSExchange Store Driver
Date:          Date and Time
Event ID:      1020
Task Category: MSExchangeStoreDriver
Level:         Error
Keywords:      Classic
User:          N/A
Computer:      Computer
The store driver couldn’t deliver the public folder replication message “Backfill Request (SMTP Address)”
because the following error occurred: Property: [0x3ff00102] , PropertyErrorCode: UnknownError, PropertyErrorDescription: 0x80040107.

 Category published:  Microsoft Exchange MSME | Security for Exchange   Click on the Category button to get more articles regarding that product.