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Exchange 2010 SMTP Authenticated Relay with Receive Connector

Posted by admin on 23.04.2012

Here is how to make a complete new SMTP-connector on Port 26 and set it to Authenticate. So if the appliance/Software has to send an email you need an Active Directory account. You will not get this done with the GUI only in a regular Exchange 2007/2010. Small business version is different the STD or ENT.

1 Generate an Active Directory User called “smtp”. No further special membership. No Exchange Mailbox.

2 For testing Translate/Encode the username “domain\smtp” and password to BASE64

Both are sample values do not use!





3 Make a new Receive Connector and call it “RELAY”

4 Change following GUI settings on the Connector

5 Change the Port from 25 to 26 and tell the Connector which IP are allowed to connect (Also mention your test server/Another than the exchange)

6 Do following Powershell to configure the Connector finally

Add-ADPermission “RELAY” –User “smtp” –ExtendedRights ms-Exch-SMTP-Accept-Authoritative-Domain-Sender

Add-ADPermission “RELAY” –User “smtp” –ExtendedRights ms-Exch-SMTP-Accept-Any-Sender

7 Test the relay

telnet myexchangeservername 26



TU9SQe4QlRcc210cA==     (Information from Step 2 BASE64 DOMAIN\username)

c210cG1h33aW44w5OQ==     (Information from Step 2 BASE64 password)

In this moment you should GET a “235. 2.7.0 Authentication Successful”

 Category published:  Exchange 2007 Exchange 2010 Exchange 2013 Exchange 2016 Exchange 2019 M365 - Exchange Online Microsoft Exchange   Click on the Category button to get more articles regarding that product.