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Category published:  Exchange 2010 Exchange 2013 Exchange 2016 Microsoft Exchange   Click on the Category button to get more articles regarding that product.

Exchange 2010 Console error, an error caused a change in the current set of domain controllers

Posted by admin on 19.10.2017

(PID 5856, Thread 164)

Task Get-FederationTrust throwing terminating exception at stage  Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.ADTransientException:

An error caused a change in the current set of domain controllers.. Exception: {2fa78b33-8275-45ce-a132-9bce2a244a92}

EventID: 5

I have seen this only in large Forest wide usage with Child domains and different Administrator accounts used to operate the console.

Error in Exchange 2010 Management Console

In Eventviewer

  1. Close the console
  2. Got C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\MMC
  3. Backup and Delete the file: “Exchange Management Console”
  4. Restart the Console


 Category published:  Exchange 2010 Exchange 2013 Exchange 2016 Microsoft Exchange   Click on the Category button to get more articles regarding that product.