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CVE-2024-38063, CVSS 9.8, import free 2008/R2 + 2012R2 into WSUS

Posted by admin on 15.08.2024

CVE-2024-38063, CVSS 9.8


Using the network properties GUI to disable IPv6 is not supported

This registry value doesn’t affect the state of the following check box. Even if the registry key is set to disable IPv6, the check box in the Networking tab for each interface can be selected. This is an expected behavior.


CVE-2024-38063, CVSS 9.8, how to Import the older 2008R2 + 2012R2 patch into WSUS.


16.08.2024: Tested on German and US-English OS:


Server 2008R2,2012,2012R2, 2016, 2019, 2022 (Trellix EPO, WSUS Server, Rapid 7, Citrix Servers, Exchange 2016/2019 Servers incl. DAG Cluster, DC all OS version from oldest to latest.


NO current problem seen from what we can see.


Recommandation 16.08.2024


  • There is a patch from 2008-2022+ Server so use it
  • If you can’t patch then as least options CAREFULLY consider disabling IPV6 the correct way and fully (Not on Cluster, Exchange, Domain Controllers etc.) We have all the info below on how to do it correct (NOT in the GUI and just uncheck IPV box). Prefer IPV4 over IPV6 settings in Registry WILL NOT protect you




  • Only IPv6 enabled endpoint are affected
  • Do not disable IPV6 on Exchange, Cluster, DAG, Domain Controller, Direct Access (MS VPN) etc.
  • IF you disable IPV6 do it the right way and NOT via GUI and unselect IPV6 checkbox ONLY (WRONG) See at end of this POST on how to do it correct and also NOT only change to Prefer IPv4 over IPv6 (Which would not stop CVE-2024-38063)


  • There is a patch released 15.08.2024 from MS for Server 2008/2008/2012/2012R2, which can be downloaded from Microsoft without an ESU (Extend Support contract)
  • There is a strange message about the 24H2 not released OS (you might first see this on mobile when you do not expand the KB), which causes most people to overlook how important this patch is (even if you do not actively support IPv6 in your network).


Powershell import > ONLY: If you encounter problems importing (downloading) the patches with the Microsoft PowerShell, please note that you may need to fix some TLS settings on your 2019 and 2022 WSUS servers (this applies only if you receive the error mentioned like this).

WSUS ImportUpdateToWSUS.ps1, March 2024 security update DC fails SRV 2019 and 2022 how to fix all steps –

Here is HOW to get the 08/2024 CVE-2024-38063 Updates for 2008, 2008R2, 2012, 2012R2 into WSUS server so you don’t have to run after those machines. You could always install the patch manualy from the main MS LINK below. All links are listes and you do need an ESU contract to patch your old servers.

  1. Download ImportUpdateToWSUS.ps1 PS to your WSUS Server:

WSUS and the Microsoft Update Catalog | Microsoft Learn

  1. Get the Updateid per OS and patch (Sample: f34e1747-fedb-4962-bdae-dcbfbeda9c5a ) from
  2. Import the Updates on the WSUS Server per Powershell

Explained more complex here:

Per patch info:


Lets start with the complicated 2008R2:


ONLY for 2008R2 where the 07-2024 want update



Yes there is a link but the download links are EMPTY there for the KB 😉

So lets try all Update backwards maybe one brought it and we missed in WSUS or the ESU?

We tried all below but could not get it running > All where already installed.

2008R2 > None of these resolved it

KB5028264: Servicing stack update for Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1: July 11, 2023 – Microsoft Support


The KB5028264 seemed to have some parts in it we could install this. (KB5028264: Servicing stack update for Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1: July 11, 2023)



Also here would be the corrrect latest way for ESU Extended Support customers:


So the order for an existing ESU integrated 2008R2 would be:

The March 12, 2019 servicing stack update (SSU) (KB4490628).

The latest SHA-2 update (KB4474419) released September 10, 2019.

Extended Security Updates (ESU) Licensing Preparation Package

Update for the Extended Security Updates (ESU) Licensing Preparation Package

And then finally the 08/2024 Update.


IF you want those PRE REQ Packages the 2008R2 patch in WSUS:


.\ImportUpdateToWSUS.ps1 -Updateid 1d4f0343-a41a-4782-8aed-18a620431171

.\ImportUpdateToWSUS.ps1 -Updateid ac54099f-27ab-4e36-befd-a29c67ddeb6f

.\ImportUpdateToWSUS.ps1 -Updateid 44551c76-c430-4655-b791-665fea339ea8

.\ImportUpdateToWSUS.ps1 -Updateid 86381c48-1c0b-4479-8459-b1a8740bc63c


Servicing stack update for Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1: July 11, 2023

.\ImportUpdateToWSUS.ps1 -Updateid 298a1725-f89c-4759-a722-e6befc97c060


2008R2 08-2024

.\ImportUpdateToWSUS.ps1 -Updateid f34e1747-fedb-4962-bdae-dcbfbeda9c5a



Monthly Rollup (418MB)

2008R2, KB5041838, UpdateID: f34e1747-fedb-4962-bdae-dcbfbeda9c5a

.\ImportUpdateToWSUS.ps1 -Updateid f34e1747-fedb-4962-bdae-dcbfbeda9c5a

Security Only (54MB)

2008R2, KN5041823, UpdateID: fa579db5-9512-46c4-8ade-a01dcf632759

.\ImportUpdateToWSUS.ps1 -Updateid fa579db5-9512-46c4-8ade-a01dcf632759


Monthly Rollup (454B)

2012, KB5041851, UpdateID: f7364dfe-4c34-4de0-8e43-2eb251360a4b

.\ImportUpdateToWSUS.ps1 -Updateid f7364dfe-4c34-4de0-8e43-2eb251360a4b

2012 R2

Also here you MAY need to pre-installed the latest Service Stack Update

KB5041588: Servicing stack update for Windows Server 2012 R2: August 13, 2024 – Microsoft Support

.\ImportUpdateToWSUS.ps1 -Updateid 28a65867-6253-4fcc-992a-6847443e4444

Monthly Rollup (593MB)

2012R2, KB5041828, UpdateID: b32b2e3a-04d2-4430-abed-0e7d0702b7e5

.\ImportUpdateToWSUS.ps1 -Updateid b32b2e3a-04d2-4430-abed-0e7d0702b7e5



Import all older Server OS patches into WSUS at one:


PRE-REQ foer 2008 R2 + 2012 R2

.\ImportUpdateToWSUS.ps1 -Updateid 28a65867-6253-4fcc-992a-6847443e4444

.\ImportUpdateToWSUS.ps1 -Updateid 298a1725-f89c-4759-a722-e6befc97c060




.\ImportUpdateToWSUS.ps1 -Updateid b32b2e3a-04d2-4430-abed-0e7d0702b7e5

.\ImportUpdateToWSUS.ps1 -Updateid fa579db5-9512-46c4-8ade-a01dcf632759

.\ImportUpdateToWSUS.ps1 -Updateid dba384c3-1ddb-482e-9242-09c145362516

.\ImportUpdateToWSUS.ps1 -Updateid 63a8ef5d-1856-402b-9a6e-446f772a3882

.\ImportUpdateToWSUS.ps1 -Updateid f7364dfe-4c34-4de0-8e43-2eb251360a4b

.\ImportUpdateToWSUS.ps1 -Updateid b32b2e3a-04d2-4430-abed-0e7d0702b7e5

.\ImportUpdateToWSUS.ps1 -Updateid f7364dfe-4c34-4de0-8e43-2eb251360a4b

.\ImportUpdateToWSUS.ps1 -Updateid f34e1747-fedb-4962-bdae-dcbfbeda9c5a


:: CLIENT (Older W10, LTSCx)

.\ImportUpdateToWSUS.ps1 -Updateid dd1cc492-bf28-49aa-a572-4a25d96efded

.\ImportUpdateToWSUS.ps1 -Updateid 54a3dd89-48da-47cc-a665-a314c36107bc

.\ImportUpdateToWSUS.ps1 -Updateid c4691b36-a271-46e0-a16c-740ad974cb26

.\ImportUpdateToWSUS.ps1 -Updateid 2544cf80-b99a-46ac-876f-c7221c1d9035

.\ImportUpdateToWSUS.ps1 -Updateid 0bc9bc55-b222-4ddd-aeaf-8f1b93cc2646

.\ImportUpdateToWSUS.ps1 -Updateid ce44bc72-4a70-4279-8dca-8a469bb1c3d1

.\ImportUpdateToWSUS.ps1 -Updateid c5be226e-6b25-426f-9ad2-c70eb6c52cfc

.\ImportUpdateToWSUS.ps1 -Updateid ca33b003-3266-416b-87ec-23e13e4dc60f

.\ImportUpdateToWSUS.ps1 -Updateid 74c3b930-b6fa-4f08-8477-312204c04ad4

.\ImportUpdateToWSUS.ps1 -Updateid 885fd69c-02e4-4a9e-8b8e-524b4a0da3ba

.\ImportUpdateToWSUS.ps1 -Updateid ab9f0f51-c7bb-4eb0-acb5-35923a602e2c

.\ImportUpdateToWSUS.ps1 -Updateid 3a02c92d-32c7-48d6-a526-608264568ba8

.\ImportUpdateToWSUS.ps1 -Updateid d2b4510c-1189-477c-b302-0e3d6533466b

.\ImportUpdateToWSUS.ps1 -Updateid 3fbb8433-d343-4663-a075-42af80924661

.\ImportUpdateToWSUS.ps1 -Updateid 1a0e8fce-c32e-457f-bb40-728edb42caff





CVE-2024-38063 – Security Update Guide – Microsoft – Windows TCP/IP Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

NVD – CVE-2024-38063 (

Interesting Links:

What about the allways ON VPN aka Directaccess from MS?

DirectAccess and CVE-2024-38063 | Richard M. Hicks Consulting, Inc. (


IPV6 disable or not;-) If then absolute carefully and the correct way.


Configure IPv6 for advanced users – Windows Server | Microsoft Learn

Problem when you turn off IPV6:


Example 1:

On Domain Controllers, you might run into where LDAP over UDP 389 will stop working. See How to use Portqry to troubleshoot Active Directory connectivity issues

Example 2:

Exchange Server 2010, you might run into problems where Exchange will stop working. See Arguments against disabling IPv6 and Disabling IPv6 And Exchange

Example 3:

Failover Clusters See What is a Microsoft Failover Cluster Virtual Adapter anyway? and Failover Clustering and IPv6 in Windows Server 2012 R2.

Built-In Dependence on IPv6


  • Windows Components and Services- : Many Windows services and components, including newer features and some critical services, depend on IPv6. This includes features like DirectAccess, Remote Assistance, and certain Active Directory (AD) operations. Disabling IPv6 can lead to service disruptions or degraded performance.


  • Loopback Address- : Windows uses the IPv6 loopback address (::1) by default for local communications. Disabling IPv6 can interfere with applications or services that rely on this loopback address.


Compatibility and Future-Proofing


  • Future Protocol- : IPv6 is the future of networking. As the world gradually transitions from IPv4 due to its limitations (like address exhaustion), IPv6 is becoming increasingly important. By disabling IPv6, you’re essentially future-proofing your systems, making them ready for newer network infrastructures.


  • Dual Stack Requirements- : Modern Windows Servers are designed to operate in dual-stack environments, where both IPv4 and IPv6 are enabled. This dual-stack configuration ensures compatibility and smooth communication across different network types.


Active Directory and Group Policy


  • Active Directory Operations- : Active Directory (AD) services, which are crucial in domain-joined environments, are optimized to work with IPv6. Some AD operations, like the Domain Controller Locator, can leverage IPv6 for better performance and reliability. Disabling IPv6 can lead to unexpected issues in AD replication and authentication.
  • Group Policy Processing- : Group Policy relies on network communication with domain controllers. If IPv6 is disabled, you might experience delays or failures in Group Policy processing, especially in networks where IPv6 is predominant.


Networking Issues and Supportability

  • Network Connectivity- : Disabling IPv6 can lead to network connectivity issues, especially in environments where IPv6 is already in use or where ISPs or other services depend on IPv6 for communication. Some applications might also perform poorly or fail entirely if they require IPv6.
  • Microsoft Support- : Microsoft officially recommends against disabling IPv6 and may not provide full support for issues arising from its deactivation. This can be particularly problematic in enterprise environments where timely support is critical.


Incorrect Disabling Can Cause Problems


  • Misconfiguration Risks- : Simply unchecking IPv6 in the network adapter settings is not the correct way to disable IPv6 and can lead to misconfigurations. For example, some Windows services might still attempt to use IPv6, leading to unpredictable behavior.
  • Registry Modifications- : Disabling IPv6 through the registry or other methods can lead to a state where the system believes IPv6 is still partially enabled, causing further complications. Microsoft’s documentation provides specific guidance on how to disable IPv6 properly if it’s absolutely necessary, which underscores the complexity and risks involved.


Performance Considerations


  • Network Performance- : IPv6 can offer performance improvements in certain scenarios, such as faster routing and improved handling of large address spaces. Disabling it might not yield any performance benefits and could even degrade performance in IPv6-enabled networks.



While there might be specific scenarios where disabling IPv6 could be justified (such as certain legacy applications or devices that do not support it), the general recommendation is to keep IPv6 enabled. Disabling it can lead to significant issues in a modern domain-joined Windows Server environment, including Active Directory problems, connectivity issues, and a lack of support from Microsoft.


If there is a need to address specific issues related to IPv6, it is better to troubleshoot and configure IPv6 properly rather than disabling it entirely.


Just a sample from Exchange. This is JUST a sample you can look at Sharepoint or any such larger on-premises MS product.

That person says you can disable the next one says not. The third one disables it wrong and not fully.

IPv6EnabledCheck – Microsoft – CSS-Exchange




How to disable IPV6 the corect way on Windows Server 2016, 2019, and 2022 so it protects from: CVE-2024-38063

Method 1 would not stop the CVE-2024-38063

Method 1


Disabling IPv6 on Windows Server 2016, 2019, and 2022


Disable IPv6 Completely


1. Open the Registry Editor (regedit).

2. Navigate to:




3. Create a DWORD (32-bit) value named DisabledComponents.

4. Set the value to 0xFF (Decimal 255) to disable IPv6 entirely.

5. Restart the server for the changes to take effect.


Summary of Key Registry Values


– Disable IPv6: 0xFF (Decimal 255)


Prefer IPv4 over IPv6

1. Open the Registry Editor (regedit).

2. Navigate to:


3. Create a DWORD (32-bit) value named DisabledComponents.

4. Set the value to 0x20 (Decimal 32) to prefer IPv4 over IPv6.

5. Restart the server for the changes to take effect.

Method 1 would not stop the CVE-2024-38063


This recommandation comes from the KNOW problem with disabling IPV6 full. But in the case with the leak this is a problem because it does not protect you.


Important Considerations


Do Not Disable IPv6: Disabling IPv6 can cause issues with Windows components. It’s generally recommended to configure your system to prefer IPv4 over IPv6 instead of disabling IPv6 entirely.

BUT: THIS would not stop the CVE-2024-38063



Disable IPV6 via REGISTRY

The IPv6 functionality can be configured by modifying the following registry key:

Name: DisabledComponents
Min Value: 0x00 (default value)
Max Value: 0xFF (IPv6 disabled)

Expand table

IPv6 Functionality

Registry value and comments

Prefer IPv4 over IPv6

Decimal 32
Hexadecimal 0x20
Binary xx1x xxxx

Recommended instead of disabling IPv6.

Disable IPv6

Decimal 255
Hexadecimal 0xFF
Binary 1111 1111

See startup delay occurs after you disable IPv6 in Windows if you encounter startup delay after disabling IPv6 in Windows 7 SP1 or Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1.

Additionally, system startup will be delayed for five seconds if IPv6 is disabled by incorrectly, setting the DisabledComponents registry setting to a value of 0xffffffff. The correct value should be 0xff. For more information, see Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Overview.

The DisabledComponents registry value doesn’t affect the state of the check box. Even if the DisabledComponents registry key is set to disable IPv6, the check box in the Networking tab for each interface can be checked. This is an expected behavior.

You cannot completely disable IPv6 as IPv6 is used internally on the system for many TCPIP tasks. For example, you will still be able to run ping ::1 after configuring this setting.

Disable IPv6 on all nontunnel interfaces

Decimal 16
Hexadecimal 0x10
Binary xxx1 xxxx

Disable IPv6 on all tunnel interfaces

Decimal 1
Hexadecimal 0x01
Binary xxxx xxx1

Disable IPv6 on all nontunnel interfaces (except the loopback) and on IPv6 tunnel interface

Decimal 17
Hexadecimal 0x11
Binary xxx1 xxx1

Prefer IPv6 over IPv4

Binary xx0x xxxx

Re-enable IPv6 on all nontunnel interfaces

Binary xxx0 xxxx

Re-enable IPv6 on all tunnel interfaces

Binary xxx xxx0

Re-enable IPv6 on nontunnel interfaces and on IPv6 tunnel interfaces

Binary xxx0 xxx0


Cmd.exe > Reg.exe One liner (Also below values to do it right)

reg add “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip6\Parameters” /v DisabledComponents /t REG_DWORD /d <value> /f

Replace the value part as needed

How to calculate the registry value

Windows use bitmasks to check the DisabledComponents values and determine whether a component should be disabled.

To learn which component each bit (from low to high) controls, refer to the following table.

Expand table




Disable tunnel interfaces


Disable 6to4 interfaces


Disable Isatap interfaces

Tunnel Teredo

Disable Teredo interfaces


Disable native interfaces (also PPP)


Prefer IPv4 in default prefix policy


Disable CP interfaces


Disable IP-TLS interfaces

For each bit, 0 means false and 1 means true. Refer to the following table for an example.

Expand table


Prefer IPv4 over IPv6 in prefix policies

Disable IPv6 on all nontunnel interfaces

Disable IPv6 on all tunnel interfaces

Disable IPv6 on nontunnel interfaces (except the loopback) and on IPv6 tunnel interface

Disable tunnel interfaces





Disable 6to4 interfaces





Disable Isatap interfaces





Disable Teredo interfaces





Disable native interfaces (also PPP)





Prefer IPv4 in default prefix policy.





Disable CP interfaces





Disable IP-TLS interfaces






0010 0000

0001 0000

0000 0001

0001 0001







If you consider turning IPV6 OFF do it right! Do not forget things like:

And what about prefer IPV4 over IPV6 which some have active on Windows Servers?


Ever used? Remember where? How does this come INTO the mix with IPV6 disable dont right or wrong?????


– `0x01`: Disable IPv6 on all interfaces except the loopback interface.

– `0xFF`: Disable IPv6 entirely.


Method 1: Prefer IPv4 over IPv6 (See below THIS would not stop the CVE-2024-38063)


You can also use our interactive Powershell ipv6checker.ps1 to disable easy:

Please see:

MS SRV Disable IPv6 the correct way CVE-2024-38063 –



 Category published:  WSUS   Click on the Category button to get more articles regarding that product.