Try our new Certificate Revocation List Check Tool
CRLcheck.exe is a tool developed to verify digital signatures of executable files. It collects files from known paths on your client, checks their signature, and checks Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) and OCSP download. This helps avoid delays in launching files.

Category: SECURITY

Mcafee EPO prevent exe RUNNING FROM %appdata%

Mcafee EPO prevent exe RUNNING FROM %appdata% folders with an Access protection Policy How to protect from most 0day Flash Exploits and malware like Ransom Cryptowall in summer 2015. You simply can’t keep up with patching even with deployment or Management solutions in place. Now you should have an IPS Filter like Fortigate with Fortiguard. […]

Mcafee GETSUSP (Stinger V2) free Virus Scan / HIPS Bei Virenbefall würde ich auf einzelnen Clients ab sofort das Tool mcafee GETSUSP laufen lassen. Dies zusätzlich zum VSE. GETSUSP Macht Scan auf GTI-basis (Cloud DB von Mcafee Online) (Manuell kann man auch Binaries uploaden um diese zu analysieren) Aktiviert (Nicht installiert) eine HIPS (IPS) Firewall welche den Netzwerk traffic überwacht wenn […]

Mcafee DLP 9.3 missing option Removable Storage Protection in Agent Configuration

Mcafee DLP 9.3 missing option Removable Storage Protection in Agent Configuration.   Problem: You are unable to choose “Removable Storage Protection” as 4th option in Agent Configuration on the new DLP9.3 Migration from: Existing EPO 4.6 and 9.1 Under Agent Configuration i can choose “Removable Storage Protection” as 4th option NEW EPO 5.11 and 9.3.400.23 […]

VMWARE / VDI malware Protection Symantec, Trend and Mcafee

Symantec Endpoint Protection still has no Agentless Virus scan version like Trend or Mcafee with Move. Those use VSHIELD API from VMware and need no direct Software running in the VM. ( BUT test have shown that even with the Agent in the VM/VDI Symantec SEP 12.X is faster in daily tracking, stable status, scanning […]

MS Systernals includes VirusTOTAL check with just one click Mark Russinovich and Bryce Cogswell have released a new Version of their Autoruns tool. You can now check every Executable that resides in services, Autostart, RUNOCNE and other registry keys automatic with just one mouseclick on Virustotal. The Executable is then checked against a total of 50 virus search engines. This is asbolute great […]

Exchange 2010 Public Folder Migration: Replicas stay on 2007 with Load Balancer Setup

Special: Load Balancer Setup with CAS-Array, Hardware Load Balancer like KEMP. Gateway both CAS are going to KEMP backside. But Static Routes on both CAS to Backup Server, DC’s, Acronis Servers, old Exchange. Split DNS. We mostly see this with customer having Internal: (LAN) and External: (Wan) which is the correct way after […]

Exchange: Anti Virus Software on Exchange 2010/2013 Servers – Mcafee

File and Process Exclusion for Anti Virus Software for Exchange 2010 / 2013 Cdb.exe Microsoft.Exchange.Pop3service.exe MSExchangeRepl.exe Cidaemon.exe,Microsoft.Exchange.ProtectedServiceHost.exe MSExchangeSubmission.exe Clussvc.exe, Microsoft.Exchange.RPCClientAccess.Service.exe MSExchangeTransport.exe Dsamain.exe Microsoft.Exchange.Search.Service.exe MSExchangeTransportLogSearch.exe EdgeCredentialSvc.exe Microsoft.Exchange.Servicehost.exe MSExchangeThrottling.exe EdgeTransport.exe Microsoft.Exchange.Store.Service.exe Msftefd.exe ExFBA.exe Microsoft.Exchange.Store.Worker.exe Msftesql.exe hostcontrollerservice.exe Microsoft.Exchange.TransportSyncManagerSvc.exe OleConverter.exe Inetinfo.exe Microsoft.Exchange.UM.CallRouter.exe Powershell.exe Microsoft.Exchange.AntispamUpdateSvc.exe MSExchangeDagMgmt.exe ScanEngineTest.exe Microsoft.Exchange.ContentFilter.Wrapper.exe MSExchangeDelivery.exe ScanningProcess.exe Microsoft.Exchange.Diagnostics.Service.exe MSExchangeFrontendTransport.exe TranscodingService.exe Microsoft.Exchange.Directory.TopologyService.exe MSExchangeHMHost.exe UmService.exe Microsoft.Exchange.EdgeSyncSvc.exe MSExchangeHMWorker.exe UmWorkerProcess.exe […]

DNS DIG Lookup / MX Check / Network Diag Links

Since the redesign, which does not seem to work properly under some IE versions, we had to use other resources or say find them. Beside we use for MX SPAM lookup there is which is really nice and does most of the stuff for you automatic incl. good Name server check.   […]

Behebung Fehler Mcafee VSE 8.8 SP2 TRUST beim Scannen und Event 516 crypt32.dll

Dieses Dokument beschreibt wie man Mcafee Event516 oder Untrusted Fehlermeldung beheben kann. Fehlermeldung: scan32.exe – Ungültiges Bildscan64.exe – Ungueltiges Bild Versionen:   * Client Windows 7 64BIT SP1, German Language * Mcafee VSE 8.8 P2 with HF Post SP2 ( BUILD 14.08.2012) * DAT 7180.0000 * Framework * EPO 4.6   Der Fehler tritt […]

Massive Spam Reply wave in Switzerland 08.08.2013 – Federal E-Mail domain involved

Subject Range: RE: [#SMV-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]: Transfer – Ueberweisung   Since today 08.08.2013 starting around 17:10 O’clock CET we see a large amount of “Reply – Delete me also” spam running through all kind devices and also large enterprise Spam filters. We even have a reply from Swiss federal E-Mail domain which hosts all or most […]