Try our new Certificate Revocation List Check Tool
CRLcheck.exe is a tool developed to verify digital signatures of executable files. It collects files from known paths on your client, checks their signature, and checks Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) and OCSP download. This helps avoid delays in launching files.

Category: Microsoft Server OS

Netapp Snapdrive Migration from Version. to Exchange 2010

Product: Netapp Snapdrive Migration from Version. to Product running on it: Exchange 2010 DAG (Cluster components) Following hotfixes are NEW additional required for Netapp Snapdrive Version P2 on an Exchange 2010 DAG Mailbox Server. However all three of them have been Superseded by newer Patches through Microsoft. You are able to select Continue […]

SRV 2012 R2, Event 157, Disk x has been surprise removed

OS:     Server 2012R2, English, Domain Controller Event:     157 Error:     Disk x has been surprise removed This is mostly due a Backup Software (Event Windows Backup) which uses VSS-Snapshot. There seems to be no file corruption or loss of Storage. In our case we had Windows Backup running and it was VSS disconnecting

Netapp Snapdrive Migration from Version. to Exchange 2010

Product: Netapp Snapdrive Migration from Version. to Product running on it: Exchange 2010 DAG (Cluster components) Following hotfixes are NEW additional required for Netapp Snapdrive Version P2 on an Exchange 2010 DAG Mailbox Server. However all three of them have been Superseded by newer Patches through Microsoft. You are able to select […]

Why Symantec losses all their long term BEXEC customer to Veeam and others

Today, let’s delve into the intricacies of the Bexec 2014 news that reverberated across the IT domain on September 7, 2014. The communication, shared directly with customers, shed light on critical insights regarding the trajectory of BEXEC 2012 XX and the compelling migration towards Veeam. For an in-depth understanding of the rationale behind this transition, […]

WSUS: Windows Update Server. Most common Problems. FAQ

Connect to SQL Internal WSUS Datbase on diffrrent OS: Auf 2003:    \\.\pipe\MSSQL$MICROSOFT##SSEE\sql\queryAuf 2012R2: \\.\pipe\microsoft##WID\tsql\query Missing “SelfUpdate” in Default Website when running WSUS under 8530    To make sure that the self-update tree is working correctly, first make sure that there is a Web site set up on port 80 of the WSUS server. You must have […]

The certificate is invalid for exchange server usage Exchange 2010 SAN/UC

Error after importing a SAN/UC Certificate in Exchange 2010: Error 1: “The certificate is invalid for exchange server usage” This is because of a missing ROOT and Intermediate CA not imported. Now Error After you resolved you get: Error 2: “The certificate status could not be determined because the revocation check failed” That means the Certificate Service […]