Try our new Certificate Revocation List Check Tool
CRLcheck.exe is a tool developed to verify digital signatures of executable files. It collects files from known paths on your client, checks their signature, and checks Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) and OCSP download. This helps avoid delays in launching files.

Category: Microsoft Server OS

Mcafee/Trellix EPO Server, Logon failed due to a full database disk (SQL cleanup)

Had a case where the McAfee EPO DB almost blew due to an EPO issue or, let’s say, McAfee prevented it from happening by encountering SQL Express limitations. We’re relieved that since EPO 5.X, they’ve implemented two databases; one for EPO and one for Events; effectively splitting the load in size and safeguarding the crucial […]

Azure/M365: Kann AZURE Dein Active Directory (DC) ersetzen?

Ersetzt Azure die Active Directory Domain Controller und Active Directory Services? Der eigentliche Zweck von Azure-AD ist was? Azure Active Directory wurde entwickelt, um Microsofts Präsenz in der Cloud zu erweitern. Azure Active Directory sollte ursprünglich Benutzer mit Microsoft M365-Diensten verbinden und eine einfachere Alternative zu ADFS für Single Sign-On bieten. Nun hat es sich […]

Active Directory accounts with ADMINSholder/adminCount flag | No syncback from Azure, ms-ds-consistencyGuid

english, Management summary To gain a better understanding of the ADMINSholder/adminCount attribute, we recommend referring to the provided blog posts, which shed light on the impact of this flag, particularly regarding ActiveSync and GPO. This attribute poses a challenge in the synchronization process of the Synchronization Service Manager (Microsoft Azure AD Connect Synchronization Services) as […]

Trellix and McAfee EPO Server SQL Server Performance tips

    Database Configuration: Ensure the following settings for the EPO Database:   Autoshrink: False Auto Close: False Auto Update Statistics: True These settings prevent unnecessary shrinking and closing of the database, while maintaining up-to-date statistics for efficient performance.   Customization for Rare Circumstances: While Auto Update Statistics is generally recommended as true, there might […]