Try our new Certificate Revocation List Check Tool
CRLcheck.exe is a tool developed to verify digital signatures of executable files. It collects files from known paths on your client, checks their signature, and checks Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) and OCSP download. This helps avoid delays in launching files.

Category: Exchange 2016

Exchange: Server 2008 SMTP/IIS does not write Logfiles

On old Exchange machines we migrated we often (After Exchange is de-installed) install the SMTP Server. So we can re-route E-Mail from devices which have not been migrated and log that info. You have a Server 2008 64BOIT RTM and the separate installed SMTP-Service in IIS 6.0 Manager does not write Logfiles. You set the […]

Exchange 2010, Activesync Partnership Fails when user moved to new OU in ADS

Error: Error message when you try to perform a remote wipe operation for a device in Exchange Server 2010: “The ActiveSyncDevice identity cannot be found” This is generated do a bug as we see it. The user with an ACTIVE Activesync Partnership HAS been moved to another OU in Active Directory. This seems logical since […]

Zusätzliche Mailboxen im Outlook.exe lassen sich nicht entfernen mit Outlook/Exchange

Fehler Deutsches Outlook: Diese Ordnergruppe ist einem E-Mail Konto zugeordnet. Schliessen Sie zum Entfernen des Kontos zuerst die Registerkarte “Datei”. Problem: Zusätzliche Mailboxen anderer Benutzer erscheinen und man kann diese nicht entfernen mit schliessen ODER bei den Konto Einstellungen. (Automapping) Diese Ordnergruppe ist einem E-Mail Konto zugeordnet. Schliessen Sie zum Entfernen des Kontos zuerst die […]

Exchange: Anti Virus Software on Exchange 2010/2013 Servers – Mcafee

File and Process Exclusion for Anti Virus Software for Exchange 2010 / 2013 Cdb.exe Microsoft.Exchange.Pop3service.exe MSExchangeRepl.exe Cidaemon.exe,Microsoft.Exchange.ProtectedServiceHost.exe MSExchangeSubmission.exe Clussvc.exe, Microsoft.Exchange.RPCClientAccess.Service.exe MSExchangeTransport.exe Dsamain.exe Microsoft.Exchange.Search.Service.exe MSExchangeTransportLogSearch.exe EdgeCredentialSvc.exe Microsoft.Exchange.Servicehost.exe MSExchangeThrottling.exe EdgeTransport.exe Microsoft.Exchange.Store.Service.exe Msftefd.exe ExFBA.exe Microsoft.Exchange.Store.Worker.exe Msftesql.exe hostcontrollerservice.exe Microsoft.Exchange.TransportSyncManagerSvc.exe OleConverter.exe Inetinfo.exe Microsoft.Exchange.UM.CallRouter.exe Powershell.exe Microsoft.Exchange.AntispamUpdateSvc.exe MSExchangeDagMgmt.exe ScanEngineTest.exe Microsoft.Exchange.ContentFilter.Wrapper.exe MSExchangeDelivery.exe ScanningProcess.exe Microsoft.Exchange.Diagnostics.Service.exe MSExchangeFrontendTransport.exe TranscodingService.exe Microsoft.Exchange.Directory.TopologyService.exe MSExchangeHMHost.exe UmService.exe Microsoft.Exchange.EdgeSyncSvc.exe MSExchangeHMWorker.exe UmWorkerProcess.exe […]

Outlook 2010, mailto:IMCEAINVALID, Autovervollständigung E-Mail Adresse

Fehler: ( <> Problem bei der Zustellung der Nachricht. Kontakt als MAILTO statt SMTP im Outlook.exe Probleme mit Autovervollständigung / Vorschläge im Outlook.exe 2010 NIRSOFT NK2Edit Es ist leider so, dass Outlook.exe basierend auf der a) ersten alten E-Mail von einem Kontakt (z.B. 5 Jahre zurück) die E-Mail Adresse versucht aufzubauen/Vorzuschlagen. Wurde diese E-Mail […]

DNS DIG Lookup / MX Check / Network Diag Links

Since the redesign, which does not seem to work properly under some IE versions, we had to use other resources or say find them. Beside we use for MX SPAM lookup there is which is really nice and does most of the stuff for you automatic incl. good Name server check.   […]

Exchange Migration, Server 2008 SMTP Service installation to re-route old traffic

ERROR: Server 2008 SMTP Service does NOT Log to FILE. Solution: Check that “ODB LOGGING” Is installed under Role Services Full story: After you de-installed the Exchange 2003/2007 on the old server it may be a good idea to still capture incoming SMTP-Traffic to the old server like from scanners or active Servers which relay […]

Appoinments Automatische Anforderungen und Antworten von externen Absendern Verarbeiten

2010 Einstellung: Appoinments Automatische Anforderungen und Antworten von externen Absendern Verarbeiten Problem: Sie erhalten keine Zusagen fuer Meetings von Externen Personen in Exchange 2010. Problem: You don’t not get approval for meetings request from external people in Exchange 2010 Sie erstellen ein Meeting UND laden eine Externe Person dazu ein: Gegenstelle sieht das Meeting und […]

Google/GMAIL, How to find out why and where E-Mail from Google is slow

How to find out why E-mail via SMTP flow from Google Mail is so slow sometimes. Google hat so viele Anfragen betreffend SMTP Delay, dass es unterdessen eine Webseite gibt auf welcher Kunden selber Google Mail analysieren können. E-Mail von Google in Outlook 2007/2010 öffnen In der Mitte bei Kategorien auf Pfeil Drücken Internetkopfzeilen […]

Exchange 2007 SP2 Upgrade (2010 Pre Migration) or 2007 Deinstall Error with MSP Rollups

 Exchange 2007 SP2 Upgrade Fehler: Das Produkt mit dem Code 24b2c164-de66-44fe-b468-a46d9d5e6b31 kann nicht entfernt werden. Unknown error (0x663). Fehlercode: 1635. Unknown error (0x663)   For the Rollup in generall * Turn off UAC * In Internet Explorer Advanced Turn of both Certification revoke Things * Install the MSP with LOGFILES     Here is how […]

Exchange 2007/2010 is your Server fast or slow?

  Peformance Exchange 2007/2010 Servers, key values How to tell if an Exchange is slow or fast? TRANSACTION_LOG_DISK: LogicalDisk(*)\Avg. Disk sec/Read < 20ms TRANSACTION_LOG_DISK: LogicalDisk(*)\Avg. Disk sec/Write < 10ms TEMP_DISK: LogicalDisk(*)\Avg. Disk sec/Read < 10ms TEMP_DISK: LogicalDisk(*)\Avg. Disk sec/Write < 10ms MSExchangeIS\RPC Requests < 70 MSExchangeIS\RPC Averaged Latency < 25 MSExchangeIS\RPC Operations/sec MSExchangeIS\RPC Num. […]

Good Exchange Links for 2007 / 2010

Can I really use JBOD storage with Exchange 2010?   What is new with Exchange 2010 storage?   Setting Message Size Limits in Exchange 2010 and Exchange 2007       Exchange 2010 Request Hotfixes to install “before” SP1   Exchange 2010 SP1 FAQ and Known Issues, […]