Try our new Certificate Revocation List Check Tool
CRLcheck.exe is a tool developed to verify digital signatures of executable files. It collects files from known paths on your client, checks their signature, and checks Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) and OCSP download. This helps avoid delays in launching files.

Category: Exchange 2016

Exchange Office M365 customers will have to upgrade their Office 2016/2019 by October 2023

How we found this info beside Technet: Error: Outlook 2016 verlangt neues Update (Aktuell: 16.0.4266.1001 / Erforderlich: 16.0.4600.1000) There is a link in the warning which leads to the rather delicate info abour EOL of Office 2016/2019 with M365. Fact: If you don’t want to update your Office 2016/2019, keep your Exchange on-premise DAG with […]

M365, Exchange Online Remote Powershell blocked by T1056 Mitre Trellix

Trellix ENS 10.X, T1056 – Key capture using PowerShell detected, Host intrusion buffer overflow ExP:Illegal API Use Blocked an attempt to exploit C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WINDOWSPOWERSHELL\V1.0\POWERSHELL.EXE, which targeted the GetAsyncKeyState API. For efficient M365 and Exchange Online management, there are various methods available. While utilizing the PowerShell button within the Admin Portal is one option, it requires an Azure […]

CVE-2023-23397, Outlook.exe Exploit, PidLIDReminder custom Sound ab SMB für Termin Reminder

CVE-2023-23397 Was ausgenutz wird: Anstatt Standard Microsoft Outlook Sound kann man für ein meeting reminder einen Custom Sound angeben. Dieser kann auf einem Share liegen. Da liegt der Hund begraben. CVE-2023-23397 ist ein Outlook-Bug. Wenn Sie eine eingehende E-Mail für einen Termin mit einer benutzerdefinierten Erinnerung (Ton, Attribut PidLIDReminder) senden, wird Outlook.exe (2012/2016) versuchen, […]

M365/Hybrid Exchange Setup: Steps to verify on-premise, Prepare for Directory Synchronization (IDFIX, UPN, Proxyaddress)

TIP: Cleanup everything LOCAL before you even think of moving anything to M365 or Azure or even starting the Connector PRO TIP: Full manual list of Objects/attribute to check on your local ADS in this blog. This blog entry is mainly about those two steps of the MS Technet: Directory Clean-up Tasks Directory object […]

Exchange: Error when you want to change a Receive Connector TLS with a Cert with no Common Name

On an Exchange 2016/2019/M365/Azure you want to change the TLS Certificate of your Receive Connector. Your SAN (Subject Alternate Name) or Wildcard Certificate has no Common Name [CN] (Empty). When you try to assign the cert the regular way you get an error. Nothing wrong with the Cert company just the other side (Requester/Converter) as […]

Exchange 2016 CU20 Schema Update setup.exe /preparead fail because of case sensitivity of OWA APP Policy

ISO/PATCH: ExchangeServer2016-x64-cu20 Cumulative Update 20 for Exchange Server 2016 (  Problem: Exchange 2016 CU20 Setup.exe /preparead (Version 15.1.2242.4 Fails) on Server 2016 (1607) Step Configuring Microsoft Exchange Server Organization Preparation results FAILED Exchange 2016 CU 20 need and fails to update Active Directory Schema to newer Version (setup.exe /prepareschema works setup.exe /Preparead fails) if you […]

Exchange 2013/2016 EAS Activeync (MDM, mobile) stops syncing. Event 2002, limit max, Targetbackend, will be rejected

Problem: Exchange 2013/2016 Activeync MDM Handy stops syncing, Event 2002, limit max, Targetbackend, will be rejected In generall this could be a EAS Activesync device running mad or a user using functions like Time to leave on iPhone (See link at end of document here) It’s rather important we find what causes the effect inseatd […]

Exchange 2010 – 2016 Migration remove of old MDB fails (Mailboxexports)

  Error: This mailbox database is associated with one or more active MailboxExport requests Source: This means you have current/Pending/stalled as sample PST Exports running (Maybe very old). Solution: You will have to remove those you are able to remove the emtpy old Exchange MDB. Get-MailboxExportRequest (ExchangePowerShell) | Microsoft Docs     Microsoft Exchange Error […]

WINMAIL.DAT (Exchange 2007-2016-M365) Outlook – DEUTSCH

WINMAIL.DAT Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format oder TNEF ist ein proprietäres E-Mail-Anhangsformat, das von Microsoft Outlook und Microsoft Exchange Server verwendet wird. Eine Datei mit TNEF-Codierung wird in der Regel als winmail.dat oder win.dat bezeichnet und hat einen MIME-Typ von Application/MS-TNEF. Der offizielle (IANA) Medientyp ist jedoch application/ Wie oder wann passiert das? Wenn ein Absender […]

Exchange 2013/2016 and 2010 Proxy back (400) Bad Request, ADS-user in too many ADS-groups member

Exchange 2010/2013/2016 Migration, problem after DNS-pointing to 2016 structure with some users Outlook.exe When you thought Kerberos Bloating is way back 2012 it returns. And after some research it is still all over the place. It does affect on premise Solutions as well as cloud solution like ADFS, AZURE etc. Error: This error (HTTP 400 […]

Exchange 2016 CU20 Schema Update setup.exe /preparead fail because of case sensitivity of OWA APP Policy

ISO/PATCH: ExchangeServer2016-x64-cu20 Cumulative Update 20 for Exchange Server 2016 (  Problem: Exchange 2016 CU20 Setup.exe /preparead (Version 15.1.2242.4 Fails) on Server 2016 (1607) Step Configuring Microsoft Exchange Server Organization Preparation results FAILED Exchange 2016 CU 20 need and fails to update Active Directory Schema to newer Version (setup.exe /prepareschema works setup.exe /Preparead fails) if you […]

03.03.2021 Exchange 2010, 2013, 2013, 2016, 2019 Patch KB5000871 how to Update correct with Links

HAFNIUM targeting Exchange Servers with 0-day exploits Important Exchange Update 03.03.2021 for all Microsoft Exchange Versions Affected Exchange Version: 2010, 2013, 2013, 2016, 2019       12.03.2021 We have seen so many installations fail on certain blogs and forums. Please make sure understand the update process of patching a special Server like Exchange or […]