Try our new Certificate Revocation List Check Tool
CRLcheck.exe is a tool developed to verify digital signatures of executable files. It collects files from known paths on your client, checks their signature, and checks Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) and OCSP download. This helps avoid delays in launching files.

Category: M365 – Exchange Online

M365/Hybrid Exchange Setup: Steps to verify on-premise, Prepare for Directory Synchronization (IDFIX, UPN, Proxyaddress)

TIP: Cleanup everything LOCAL before you even think of moving anything to M365 or Azure or even starting the Connector PRO TIP: Full manual list of Objects/attribute to check on your local ADS in this blog. This blog entry is mainly about those two steps of the MS Technet: Directory Clean-up Tasks Directory object […]

Exchange 2010 – 2016 Migration remove of old MDB fails (Mailboxexports)

  Error: This mailbox database is associated with one or more active MailboxExport requests Source: This means you have current/Pending/stalled as sample PST Exports running (Maybe very old). Solution: You will have to remove those you are able to remove the emtpy old Exchange MDB. Get-MailboxExportRequest (ExchangePowerShell) | Microsoft Docs     Microsoft Exchange Error […]

WINMAIL.DAT (Exchange 2007-2016-M365) Outlook – DEUTSCH

WINMAIL.DAT Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format oder TNEF ist ein proprietäres E-Mail-Anhangsformat, das von Microsoft Outlook und Microsoft Exchange Server verwendet wird. Eine Datei mit TNEF-Codierung wird in der Regel als winmail.dat oder win.dat bezeichnet und hat einen MIME-Typ von Application/MS-TNEF. Der offizielle (IANA) Medientyp ist jedoch application/ Wie oder wann passiert das? Wenn ein Absender […]

Exchange 2013/2016 and 2010 Proxy back (400) Bad Request, ADS-user in too many ADS-groups member

Exchange 2010/2013/2016 Migration, problem after DNS-pointing to 2016 structure with some users Outlook.exe When you thought Kerberos Bloating is way back 2012 it returns. And after some research it is still all over the place. It does affect on premise Solutions as well as cloud solution like ADFS, AZURE etc. Error: This error (HTTP 400 […]

How to turn off Autodiscover Warning in Outlook 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019

How to turn off Autodiscover Warning in Outlook 2010/2013/2016/2019 (Exchange 2010/2013/2016) Warnung: Das Konto wurde fuer die Einstellung auf die Website umgeleitet A little bit more explained than in the Microsoft KB and with a check THAT if you ONLY set the Registry key if the OFFICE Version is installed. During Migrations you could […]

Defrag Exchange on-premises Database with ESEUTIL If you are at the end of Migration. Check there are no user active on the DB:  Show all mailboxes on Database “mb3” Get-Mailbox -Database “mb3” | select Displayname, Alias, Database, OrganizationalUnit | ft -wrap –auto  Also check this KB for hidden accounts and dead accounts : Get the Path of the DB: How […]

Turn of Autodiscover warning box agree Outlook.exe with GPO

How to turn off Autodiscover Warning in Outlook 2010/2013/2016/2019 Warnung: Das Konto wurde fuer die Einstellung auf die Website umgeleitet A little bit more explained than in the Microsoft KB and with a check THAT if you ONLY set the Registry key if the OFFICE Version is installed. During Migrations you could otherwise run […]

Powershell RUS Adressrichtlinien Setzen fuer Exchange

Wie mache ich ein Adressrichtlinie im Exchange 2007/2010 Zur Auswahl in der GUI stehen nur einige Optionen. Leider nicht die Option: Erster Buchstabe Vorname . Nachname @ Domain Diese muss man im PowerShell machen: new-EmailAddressPolicy -Name ‘’ -IncludedRecipients ‘AllRecipients’ -Priority ‘Lowest’ -EnabledEmailAddressTemplates ‘’ So kann man alle Werte der RUS-Richtlinie ansehen: Get-EmailAddressPolicy -identity “” | […]

Exchange 2010, Activesync Partnership Fails when user moved to new OU in ADS

Error: Error message when you try to perform a remote wipe operation for a device in Exchange Server 2010: “The ActiveSyncDevice identity cannot be found” This is generated do a bug as we see it. The user with an ACTIVE Activesync Partnership HAS been moved to another OU in Active Directory. This seems logical since […]

Zusätzliche Mailboxen im Outlook.exe lassen sich nicht entfernen mit Outlook/Exchange

Fehler Deutsches Outlook: Diese Ordnergruppe ist einem E-Mail Konto zugeordnet. Schliessen Sie zum Entfernen des Kontos zuerst die Registerkarte “Datei”. Problem: Zusätzliche Mailboxen anderer Benutzer erscheinen und man kann diese nicht entfernen mit schliessen ODER bei den Konto Einstellungen. (Automapping) Diese Ordnergruppe ist einem E-Mail Konto zugeordnet. Schliessen Sie zum Entfernen des Kontos zuerst die […]

iPHONE, iTUNES, Exchange 2010, Calendar missing

Products:     Outlook.exe, Apple ITunes, Exchange 2010 Error:         User does not see any Calendar entries. A redo of the Outlook Profile did not solve this. This is related due a miss configuration within the ITUNES software. There is a subfolder generated under the calendar called _MODCAL****. Got to C:\Users\%useranme%\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\ Use Folder Options from the Tools […]

Exchange Management Console in Exchange 2010 Error on CAS

Problem:  Exchange Management Console in Exchange 2010 will not open and references a server that is down or has been removed from the environment. Error Verbiage: Initialization Failed The following error occurred while attempting to connect to the specified Exchange server ‘ The attempt to connect to’/powershell using ‘Kerberos’ authentication failed: Connecting to the remote […]

Outlook 2010/2013 disable automatic Team Calendar

Wird im Active Directory das Manager Feld belegt dann erscheint bei dem Benutzer im Outlook Automatisch Kalender eine neue Gruppe “Team Kalender”. Haben viele Personen den gleichen Vorgesetzten kann dies zu einer riesen Liste führen Beispiel: Dieses verhalten wird von Microsoft wie folgt beschrieben: “Team Calendar is a feature of Outlook 2010. You could find […]