Try our new Certificate Revocation List Check Tool
CRLcheck.exe is a tool developed to verify digital signatures of executable files. It collects files from known paths on your client, checks their signature, and checks Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) and OCSP download. This helps avoid delays in launching files.

Category: GPO | Gruppenrichtlinien

WINMAIL.DAT (Exchange 2007/2010) Outlook 2010

RTF = Rich Text Format (The text/enriched MIME Content-type)   Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format or TNEF is a proprietary email attachment format used by Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Exchange Server. An attached file with TNEF encoding is most often named winmail.dat or win.dat, and has a MIME type of Application/MS-TNEF. The official […]

ODBCCONF.exe command line tool for generating ODBC Entry

ODBCCONF.exe is a command-line tool that allows you to configure ODBC drivers and data source names. ODBCConf ConfigSysDSN “SQL Server” “DSN=LocalODBCConnection|SERVER=(local)” for MySQLODBCConf ConfigSysDSN “MySQL” “DSN=LocalODBCConnection|SERVER=MySQL_ServerName” To get the correct Connection String for your DB reference this site: Do understand the difference between SYSTEM and USER DNS: You cant’ give over username and password for […]

GPO: Windows 7 disable Control Panel Icons items with GPO

How to disable certain Control Items/Icons for enduser. As good example would be Bit locker which you don’t want enduser to activate by their self. Check the User part of your Policy: Here are the values: Microsoft.AddHardware Microsoft.AdministrativeTools Microsoft.AudioDevicesAndSoundThemes Microsoft.AutoPlay Microsoft.BackupAndRestoreCenter Microsoft.BitLockerDriveEncryption Microsoft.Bluetooth Microsoft.CardSpace Microsoft.ColorManagement Microsoft.DateAndTime Microsoft.DefaultPrograms Microsoft.DeviceManager Microsoft.EaseOfAccessCenter Microsoft.FolderOptions Microsoft.Fonts Microsoft.GameControllers Microsoft.GetPrograms Microsoft.GetProgramsOnline Microsoft.IndexingOptions […]

Einsetzen von 2008R2/W7 Policies auf Windows Server 2003R2 DC’s

Microsoft hat neu die Group Policy Extension für Server 2003/R2 gebracht. Resp. Die Konzepte und Technologien des Produktes „PolicyMaker“ vollumfänglich integriert in Windows.    Somit kann man nun folgendes mixen und fast alle Optionen von XP – W7 oder 2003 – 2008R2 via GPO steuern. Domain Controller           2003/R2 Clients                             Windows XP – Windows 7 Member Server               […]