Try our new Certificate Revocation List Check Tool
CRLcheck.exe is a tool developed to verify digital signatures of executable files. It collects files from known paths on your client, checks their signature, and checks Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) and OCSP download. This helps avoid delays in launching files.

Category: GPO | Gruppenrichtlinien

Microsoft EDGE fails to Update from WSUS, from MSI-file or repair APPS because of GPO, 0x80070643, 1722

Microsoft EDGE fails to Update from WSUS, from MSI-file or repair APPS because of GPO, 0x80070643, 1722 Cause: GPO / EdgeUpdate Policies In this case, we have a GPO (Group Policy) created by or for a customer who uses Firefox as the default browser because a Citrix engineer advised them that this was the best […]

Proxy settings der Cryptography API bei Zertifikatswiderrufslisten (CRL) von einem CRL-Verteilungspunkt

  Dieser Artikel zielt darauf ab, den Prozess zu erläutern, den die Crypto API durchläuft, um erfolgreich eine HTTP-basierte URL für den CRL-Verteilungspunkt herunterzuladen. Er dient auch der Fehlerbehebung in Situationen, die mit der Netzwerkrückgewinnung von CRLs verbunden sind. Zusätzlich wird unser kostenloses Tool, crlcheck.exe, erwähnt, das dazu beitragen soll, komplexe Probleme effektiver zu lösen. […]

CRL check, Zertifikatsperrlisten Software, Certificate Revocation List Check Tool zum suchen aller geblockten CRL in Firmenumgebungen, crlcheck.exe

Mit diesem Tool findet man schnell und einfach alle verwendeten CRL eines clients und kann prüfen ob der client diese erreicht. In den vergangenen Jahren habe ich persönlich miterlebt, wie die Zertifikatssperrung auf Windows-Systemen oft unterschätzt wird, selbst in großen Unternehmen. Dieses Problem beeinträchtigt sowohl Client- als auch Server-Systeme erheblich, wenn es nicht korrekt verwaltet […]

Active Directory accounts with ADMINSholder/adminCount flag | No syncback from Azure, ms-ds-consistencyGuid

english, Management summary To gain a better understanding of the ADMINSholder/adminCount attribute, we recommend referring to the provided blog posts, which shed light on the impact of this flag, particularly regarding ActiveSync and GPO. This attribute poses a challenge in the synchronization process of the Synchronization Service Manager (Microsoft Azure AD Connect Synchronization Services) as […]

IE11 GPO Settings, PROXY Explained F5-F8, Proxy settings still used in 2023 by system account

This may be useful in 2023 because SYSTEM (The PC itself) still often uses PROXY and IE Settings. Often on New environment and DC or GPO Console you can’t see those old settings but sometimes they are still affective. Check out our other IE11 LINKS: htps:// IE11 GPO Settings, PROXY Explained F5-F8 IE11 has […]

09/2020 Patchday, KB4577015, breaks MMC (wsecedit.dll ) console for local security and GPO SRV 2016

  ERROR: wsecedit.dll, MMC, Local Security Policy, Security Options > “MMC has detected and error in a snap-in” Update 2020-09 Cumulative Update (KB4577015) bug mit GPO/MMC. “Next steps: We are working on a resolution and will provide an update in an upcoming release.” Macht ein bug bei Server 2016 z.B. MMC-Konsole. Ich würde daher DC […]

Turn of Autodiscover warning box agree Outlook.exe with GPO

How to turn off Autodiscover Warning in Outlook 2010/2013/2016/2019 Warnung: Das Konto wurde fuer die Einstellung auf die Website umgeleitet A little bit more explained than in the Microsoft KB and with a check THAT if you ONLY set the Registry key if the OFFICE Version is installed. During Migrations you could otherwise run […]

GPO, W10, CSE_NOBACKGROUND and CSE_Drives GPO, English German mix how to fix RIGHT way

There have been some WRONG Blogs about correcting this issue with wrong GPO / Gruppenrichtlinie Language / Sprach-Files. Here is the error you see. Folgende Fehler sind aufgetreten: Das Richtlinienpräsentationselement “CSE_NOBACKGROUND” auf das in Präsentation “CSE_Drives” verwiesen wird, ist nicht vorhanden. Datei \\SERVER045.bsb.local\SysVol\bmw.local\Policies\PolicyDefinitions\GroupPolicyPreferences.admx, Zeile 334, Spalte 70 Please do a COPY and DUMP of the […]

W10 _German_Deutsch WIN 10 ENT how to add English as display language with DISM

Enhance your W10 or W11 migration experience with this insightful solution. When transitioning from Windows 7 to Windows 10, especially in non-international companies within the DACH region, having a W10 Admin machine becomes essential, especially if your domain controllers are still operating on 2012R2. Encounter an issue where, on a German Windows 10 system, RSAT […]