Try our new Certificate Revocation List Check Tool
CRLcheck.exe is a tool developed to verify digital signatures of executable files. It collects files from known paths on your client, checks their signature, and checks Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) and OCSP download. This helps avoid delays in launching files.

Category: Microsoft SCCM,MEM,MDT

W10 _German_Deutsch WIN 10 ENT how to add English as display language with DISM

Enhance your W10 or W11 migration experience with this insightful solution. When transitioning from Windows 7 to Windows 10, especially in non-international companies within the DACH region, having a W10 Admin machine becomes essential, especially if your domain controllers are still operating on 2012R2. Encounter an issue where, on a German Windows 10 system, RSAT […]

NIC Intel(R) Ethernet Connection I217-LM Deployment Driver

Intel(R) Ethernet Connection I217-LM Deployment problems HP Zbook, Probook 650G1 (See below for full range info)   OS Deployment problems with Intel NIC i217-V (I217V) under Windows 7 64BIT and different Deployment Software Like Frontrange-Enteo, SCCM, Symantec and also with Windows Deployment. Main problem is that the Windows PE 3.X that most Deployment solutions use […]

Deployment: Find GUID to Uninstall Software Silent W7/8 32/64BIT

Go through these Key Recursive and check for the value “UninstallString” under the GUID’s. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall MsiExec.exe /I{2F72F540-1F60-4266-9506-952B21D6640D} So Uninstall Silent of possible would be: MsiExec.exe /x{2F72F540-1F60-4266-9506-952B21D6640D } /qn REBOOT=ReallySuppress If the Uninstall works depends on the software and if the, as example, MSI Source file is STILL under The location mentioned in key: “InstallSource” […]

HP biosconfigutility.exe and password in BIOS options, error 10

HP this is absolue confusing! Not all syntax provided in the “Biosconfigutlity.exe” seem to work in a certain order! Here is the correct syntax and a working example under Windows PE 3.X 32BIT boot media: Biosconfigutlity.exe /cspwd:”youroldbiospassword” /cspws:”yournewbiospassword” And an example to renew the existing BIOS password and write new BIOS Setting in one command: […]