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ADSIEDIT replacement and tools, LDAP Export/Backup, ldifde

Posted by admin on 11.07.2013

ADSIEDIT replacement and tools, LDAP Export/Backup, ldifde


When people have done things wrong or not ended Migrations as they should that may be the time you use ADSIEDIT to remove wrong attributes or even restore them. Most of the times when we have cases with MS Support MPSS they compare their test labs or reference db with the customers and delete or add Attributes, Classes or keys.

Here are some tools which may help

Systernals Active Directory Explorer (AD Explorer) is an advanced Active Directory (AD) viewer and editor. You can use AD Explorer to easily navigate an AD database, define favorite locations, view object properties and attributes without having to open dialog boxes, edit permissions, view an object’s schema, and execute sophisticated searches that you can save and re-execute.

AD Explorer also includes the ability to save snapshots of an AD database for off-line viewing and comparisons. When you load a saved snapshot, you can navigate and explore it as you would a live database. If you have two snapshots of an AD database you can use AD Explorer’s comparison functionality to see what objects, attributes and security permissions changed between them.



How can you backup?

Built in LDIFDE export sample. Please be carefull with any other options.

Here is a sample how to export the Exchange Configuration in a Adomin into a Textfile.

ldifde -f C:\edv\export.ldf -d “CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=domain,DC=ch” -p subtree

 Category published:  Exchange 2007 Exchange 2010 Exchange 2013 Exchange 2016 Microsoft Exchange Scripting   Click on the Category button to get more articles regarding that product.