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Category published:  Deployment Ivanti Frontrange Enteo   Click on the Category button to get more articles regarding that product.

Adobe Reader 9.4.7 shows wrong Version in Binaries

Posted by admin on 20.12.2011

Adobe Reader 9.4.7 Adobe shows wrong Version when you check most of the EXE or DLL files. This makes it very nice for Deployment people to check for correct versions. At least the Main Executable should be fixed in such a planned quarterly release of such a large software company. Not even can’t they hold their software safe they are unable to mention correct Versioning in their files.

We don’t want to mention the Flash/HTML5 catastrophe they are currently running into because all the Screen Artist and advertising departments who did flash have no clue about cross browser html code. (IPHONE geeks who brought us bring you own device crap!)

FILE: c:\Programme\Adobe\Reader 9.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe

9.4.6 =

9.4.7 =

You can download the Binaries from:

AdbeRdrUpd947_all_incr.msp (All languages incremental)

Install silent:

c:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe /update \\server\sharename$\AdobeReader94\AdbeRdrUpd947_all_incr.msp  /qn /norestart

c:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe /qn /i “.\Extern$\AcroRead.msi” TRANSFORMS=”.\Extern$\BSB_Adobe_Reader_X.Mst” PATCH=”.\Extern$\AdbeRdrUpd1013.msp” Example with patch



Here is the order you will have to install and the ap. dates the Updates have been published.

Ab 20.06.2011 9.4 (base Package) > 9.4.2 > 9.4.3 > 9.4.4
Ab 20.06.2011 > 9.4 > 9.4.2 > 9.4.5
Ab 15.09.2011 > 9.4 > 9.4.2 > 9.4.5 > 9.4.6 (Quaterly maintenance)
Ab 21.12.2011 > 9.4 > 9.4.2 > 9.4.5 > 9.4.6 > 9.4.7 (Quaterly maintenance)

9.4 = Base package

9.4.x = Update Patches in form of MSP Files.

 Category published:  Deployment Ivanti Frontrange Enteo   Click on the Category button to get more articles regarding that product.