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Category published:  Deployment Microsoft Server OS Office KMS,MAK,APPV Server 2012 R2 Server 2016   Click on the Category button to get more articles regarding that product.

Activation KMS, 2012R2 with W7 client, Visio/Project, FAQ 2015

Posted by admin on 21.04.2015

In general: Microsoft again fails to explain short and clear some things like backwards compatibility and Activation of Visio and MS Project.

You can clear see the blogs and also social Technet discussion related to those issues.

I have Server 2008R2 and Windows 7 BUT also new Server 2012R2. I have a Server 2012R2 KMS do I have to add/register the 2008R2/W7 KMS to the new 2012R2 KMS?

No it’s backwards down compatible. So the 2012R2 will show the 2008R2 and other KMS but ls the Windows 7 and 8 with the 2012R2 KMS key.

For the Office line you need a separate key and also install “Microsoft Office 2010 KMS Host Licence Pack” on the DOMAIN Controller you run the KMS.

How do i check KMS Status?

Use the batch script below to show all info you need.

Remember that certain products have a minimum of PCS he has too see before he start activation.

Servers = 5

Clients = 25

Office = also some pcs

Before THAT it will show 0 but some received.

Batch Script Check KMS status
@echo off


echo – kontrolliere Office 2010 KMS

echo ——————————

slmgr.vbs /dlv bfe7a195-4f8f-4f0b-a622-cf13c7d16864

echo – kontrolliere Server

echo ————————

slmgr.vbs /dlv

if not exist c:\edv md c:\edv

cscript c:\windows\system32\slmgr.vbs /DLV all > c:\edv\ksm_lizenzen_%date%.txt

notepad c:\edv\ksm_lizenzen_%date%.txt

How to I migrate a KMS Server

In general the new 2012R2 Domain Controller got up under same name. You remove the DNS info for the KMS. You register the new KMS 2012R2 key on the KMS.

The rest will be re-registered. Since there is a grace period on the servers, clients and office nothing will happen. Just read careful. Also maybe see short:

How to I use Visio and Office in KMS?

It’s included in the Office 2010 KMS pack. But by Default out of the BOX Visio install the “PREMIUM” version and if you have another version you may need to change that KMS key.

Do I have to install a KMS key on the KMS Server like in Office 2010?

No, it’s already included you can see and read on the download page for the “Office 2010 KMS Host licence Pack”

Pre Deployment keys for use with Software Deployment:

Visio Premium 2010 D9DWC-HPYVV-JGF4P-BTWQB-WX8BJ
Visio Professional 2010 7MCW8-VRQVK-G677T-PDJCM-Q8TCP
Visio Standard 2010 767HD-QGMWX-8QTDB-9G3R2-KHFGJ

Some external Links we used:

Check also our Links related to KMS:

 Category published:  Deployment Microsoft Server OS Office KMS,MAK,APPV Server 2012 R2 Server 2016   Click on the Category button to get more articles regarding that product.