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Category published:  APPV/MSIX Office KMS,MAK,APPV Server 2008 R2 Server 2012 R2   Click on the Category button to get more articles regarding that product.

Setup of KMS server in Enterprise an several unwanted KMS DNS Entrys

Posted by admin on 30.06.2011

Setup of KMS server in Enterprise an several unwanted KMS DNS Entrys

While installing a KMS Server for Enterprise we had already had two or three DNS entrys per Domain Controller already there. But the KMS was not installed and planned before.

We found out that the person installing the Server 2008R2 used tke KMS-key to activate the Server itself instead of using a MAK key. You only need the KMS ONCE per company or Domain

and then leave the Server 2008R2, WIndows 7, Vista as they are. They will connect to the KMS Server and do the rest. Everything goes over one or two KMS keys or KMS Groups.

Mostly people don’t understand that you need to activate a minimum of 5 servers or 25 windows 7 or 5 Office 2010 to get the whole thing running.

If you try to run with 4 servers 2008R as example at the end it will fail (After Grace period).



 So while looking at DNS an TCP\ you had two _VLMCS entrys there. If you don’t want Round Robin Redudancy

something is wrong here. (Worng keys used for installing the Server)

If you use the KMS key for installing a nommal 2008R2 Windows automaticly thinks THIS is the KMS licence

server an dthus install the KMS licence server in the background.


You need to change the product key of the machines that should not be KMS

slmgr /IPK xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx

Then activate with that key

Slmgr /ATO

Then we need to stop and restart the service( the name is different depending on the product)

For Windows Vista or for Windows Server 2008

net stop slsvc

For Windows 7 or for Windows Server 2008 R2

net stop sppsvc

For Windows Vista or for Windows Server 2008

net start slsvc

For Windows 7 or for Windows Server 2008 R2

net start sppsvc
Also check:

 Category published:  APPV/MSIX Office KMS,MAK,APPV Server 2008 R2 Server 2012 R2   Click on the Category button to get more articles regarding that product.