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Category published:  ENS | Endpoint Security Exchange 2013 Exchange 2016 Exchange 2019 WSUS   Click on the Category button to get more articles regarding that product.

13.06.2024 False-Postive with ENS 10.7, AMCORE 5554 on Windows Defender AM_Delta_Patch Server 2019 German

Posted by admin on 10.07.2024


Trellix ENS 10.7 deletes Windows Defender Update which come from WSUS-Server on German Server 2019

We just did see a false positive on Windows Defender Updates we provide via WSUS with autoaprove on a Windows Server 2019 German with Trellix ENS 10.7 and AMCORE 5554.

The file was deleted from C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\

Microsoft affected file:

File Version 1.413.254.0

FILE: AM_Delta_Patch_1.413.234.0.exe


AMCore Content-Version: 5554.0 (File will get DELETED)

AMCore Content-Version: 5555.0 (Error you see: False-Positive-Korrektur für Bedrohungsschutz)

Scan-Modul-Version: 6700.10107

Event with AMCORE 5555.0 :You see False-Positive-Korrektur für Bedrohungsschutz














T1204.002 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM hat den Prozess C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe ausgeführt, der versucht hat, auf C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\6cd20d816a1bd1893413dd53d76dfbf6\244d5cf8afb651e3cf4484f4a6fc3cbacbf93d5b zuzugreifen. Die Bedrohung Trojaner mit dem Namen Artemis!713C9B62D8F8 wurde erkannt und gelöscht.


With following Trellix Setup

AMCore Content-Version: 5554.0

Scan-Modul-Version: 6700.10107


With the ACMORE 5555 you see that Trellix overnight fixed it and does not delete the file:




Amcore 5554:

 Category published:  ENS | Endpoint Security Exchange 2013 Exchange 2016 Exchange 2019 WSUS   Click on the Category button to get more articles regarding that product.