Try our new Certificate Revocation List Check Tool
CRLcheck.exe is a tool developed to verify digital signatures of executable files. It collects files from known paths on your client, checks their signature, and checks Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) and OCSP download. This helps avoid delays in launching files.

Datenschutzerklaerung der Butsch Informatik

Version vom 01.09.2023 In dieser Datenschutzerklärung erläutern wir, die Butsch Informatik, wie wir Personendaten erheben und sonst bearbeiten. Das ist keine abschliessende Beschreibung; allenfalls regeln andere Datenschutzerklärungen oder allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen spezifische Sachverhalte. Unter Personendaten werden alle Angaben verstanden, die sich auf eine bestimmte oder bestimmbare Person beziehen. Wenn Sie uns Personendaten anderer Personen (z.B. Familienmitglieder, […]

Exchange 2013/2016 and 2010 Proxy back (400) Bad Request, ADS-user in too many ADS-groups member

Exchange 2010/2013/2016 Migration, problem after DNS-pointing to 2016 structure with some users Outlook.exe When you thought Kerberos Bloating is way back 2012 it returns. And after some research it is still all over the place. It does affect on premise Solutions as well as cloud solution like ADFS, AZURE etc. Error: This error (HTTP 400 […]

Exchange 2016 CU20 Schema Update setup.exe /preparead fail because of case sensitivity of OWA APP Policy

ISO/PATCH: ExchangeServer2016-x64-cu20 Cumulative Update 20 for Exchange Server 2016 (  Problem: Exchange 2016 CU20 Setup.exe /preparead (Version 15.1.2242.4 Fails) on Server 2016 (1607) Step Configuring Microsoft Exchange Server Organization Preparation results FAILED Exchange 2016 CU 20 need and fails to update Active Directory Schema to newer Version (setup.exe /prepareschema works setup.exe /Preparead fails) if you […]

03.03.2021 Exchange 2010, 2013, 2013, 2016, 2019 Patch KB5000871 how to Update correct with Links

HAFNIUM targeting Exchange Servers with 0-day exploits Important Exchange Update 03.03.2021 for all Microsoft Exchange Versions Affected Exchange Version: 2010, 2013, 2013, 2016, 2019       12.03.2021 We have seen so many installations fail on certain blogs and forums. Please make sure understand the update process of patching a special Server like Exchange or […]

February 02/2021 Windows Updates Deinstall Adobe Flash on Server and Clients W10 – Attention VMware vCenter/ESX Admins

February 02/2021 Windows Updates Deinstall Adobe Flash on Server and Clients W10 – Attention VMware vCenter/ESX Admins Mit den Februar 2021 Windows Updates wird Adobe Flash (MS) de-installiert. Von Hand installierte Adobe Flash Binary bleiben auf den Systemen. Bei Teils Kunden brauchen wir ja noch FLASH fuer den Web Zugriff auf vCenter/ESX.   Wenn man […]

Error: “Exchange OWA HTTP500 Internal Server Error” after OWA Logon

  Error: “Exchange OWA HTTP500 Internal Server Error” after OWA logon You see the Logon Screen from Exchange OWA. You Logon with valid Credentials. After Logon you receive a Website error: Solution/Reason/Source: Service “Microsoft Exchange Forms-Based-Authentication Service is not started or crashed.   This was hard to find since behind a KEMP and during a […]

W10 Update Deployment Silent, certain not used old DLL in OEM Install paths BLOCKS update c:\drivers or c:\SWSETUP

  Microsoft W10 Update to 1909 failed because the pre Check found the certain DLL somewhere under the c:\drivers or C:\SWSETUP olders. (APP/Software or driver was not installed, Update block by JUST finding the Certain DLL somewhere on certain paths used by certain Producer/OEM. Often used paths for drivers and where W10 Update tried to […]

09/2020 Patchday, KB4577015, breaks MMC (wsecedit.dll ) console for local security and GPO SRV 2016

  ERROR: wsecedit.dll, MMC, Local Security Policy, Security Options > “MMC has detected and error in a snap-in” Update 2020-09 Cumulative Update (KB4577015) bug mit GPO/MMC. “Next steps: We are working on a resolution and will provide an update in an upcoming release.” Macht ein bug bei Server 2016 z.B. MMC-Konsole. Ich würde daher DC […]

Unable to import KB Notfall,Interim,Post Microsoft Patchday patch into WSUS-Server running under Microsoft Server 2012 R2

Unable to import KB Notfall/Interim/Post Microsoft Patchday patch into WSUS-Server running under Microsoft Server 2012 R2. Problem: You are unable to import Patches from Windows Update Catalog on 2012 R2 WSUS Problem: You do not see the import direct into WSUS button /Direct in WSUS-importieren auf 2019 nicht sichtbar (EDGE/IE mix) Most people discover while […]