Try our new Certificate Revocation List Check Tool
CRLcheck.exe is a tool developed to verify digital signatures of executable files. It collects files from known paths on your client, checks their signature, and checks Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) and OCSP download. This helps avoid delays in launching files.

W10 Update Deployment Silent, certain not used old DLL in OEM Install paths BLOCKS update c:\drivers or c:\SWSETUP

  Microsoft W10 Update to 1909 failed because the pre Check found the certain DLL somewhere under the c:\drivers or C:\SWSETUP olders. (APP/Software or driver was not installed, Update block by JUST finding the Certain DLL somewhere on certain paths used by certain Producer/OEM. Often used paths for drivers and where W10 Update tried to […]

09/2020 Patchday, KB4577015, breaks MMC (wsecedit.dll ) console for local security and GPO SRV 2016

  ERROR: wsecedit.dll, MMC, Local Security Policy, Security Options > “MMC has detected and error in a snap-in” Update 2020-09 Cumulative Update (KB4577015) bug mit GPO/MMC. “Next steps: We are working on a resolution and will provide an update in an upcoming release.” Macht ein bug bei Server 2016 z.B. MMC-Konsole. Ich würde daher DC […]

Unable to import KB Notfall,Interim,Post Microsoft Patchday patch into WSUS-Server running under Microsoft Server 2012 R2

Unable to import KB Notfall/Interim/Post Microsoft Patchday patch into WSUS-Server running under Microsoft Server 2012 R2. Problem: You are unable to import Patches from Windows Update Catalog on 2012 R2 WSUS Problem: You do not see the import direct into WSUS button /Direct in WSUS-importieren auf 2019 nicht sichtbar (EDGE/IE mix) Most people discover while […]

Enteo/DSM/IvantiFrontrange: Debug MODE PE 5.X / WIN 10 aktivieren in Boot

Enteo/DSM/IvantiFrontrange: Debug MODE PE 5.X / WIN 10 aktivieren in Boot Es gab hier schon mal einen älteren Beitrag: Pfad wo sich die wichtigen Infos befinden ist: \windows\panther So kann man den Windows PE 5.X / WIN 10 DEBUG Mode bei Enteo/Frontrange/Heat aktivieren: Bestehendes Boot Environment kopieren und Namen anpassen. (Am besten ein neues […]

How to turn off Autodiscover Warning in Outlook 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019

How to turn off Autodiscover Warning in Outlook 2010/2013/2016/2019 (Exchange 2010/2013/2016) Warnung: Das Konto wurde fuer die Einstellung auf die Website umgeleitet A little bit more explained than in the Microsoft KB and with a check THAT if you ONLY set the Registry key if the OFFICE Version is installed. During Migrations you could […]

BACKUP configuration of Vmware ESXI with POWERCLI

Efficiently safeguard your VMware ESXi free version configurations up to 6.7 by utilizing a convenient method to create a comprehensive backup. This approach proves invaluable for documenting your ESXi settings, especially when contemplating updates, eliminating the need for extensive screenshot capture—saving you time and effort. Download and Install POWERCLI from VMware. Start Power shell […]

Browser TLS 1.3 activated and your Firewall can’t handle it?

TLS 1.3 Some modern Browser switch to TLS 1.3 automatic if the Web server on the other side supports this. Like Version 72 of Chrome.exe or even your OS is like Windows 10 Buildnummer 20170 upwards (That means the OS itself). So it’s all safer and faster? The problem is that some Next […]