Try our new Certificate Revocation List Check Tool
CRLcheck.exe is a tool developed to verify digital signatures of executable files. It collects files from known paths on your client, checks their signature, and checks Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) and OCSP download. This helps avoid delays in launching files.

Enteo V6.2 Managment Websever IIs, Server 2003, Probleme nach Hotfixes vom 13.04.2011

Enteo V6.2, Server 2003 R2 Aenderungspfad der Files nach Problem: C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727 NEU/Geändert: Patches vom Patch Day 13.04.2011, Framework ganze Serie Nach dem Reboot hängt der Enteo Managment Server (IIS) und nimmt keine ASP.NET Fragen mehr sauber an. Die clients melden keine Erfolge zurueck. Lösung: IIS6 Management Konsole Starten, Website “Enteo_MngmtPoint” Selektieren, ASP.NET, ASP.NET Version 2.0.50727 […]

Mcafee EPO Server 4.X Database or Space growing EPOevents

Problem: VMWARE Monitoring Events from “Vmware Converter and Tools” fill the EPO Database rapidly (1GB/Hour). delete from EPOEvents where DetectedUTC < ‘YYYY-MM-DD’delete from EPOEvents where DetectedUTC < ‘2011-01-01’ SOLUTION: Run this SQL Script once a week to get rid of the problem This is a batch File which you run from Schedule: osql -S FHSEPO01\EPOSERVER […]


APPV 4.6 SP1 – Better Sequencing and more help for newbies – Better Options – Does not reduce complexity of category “Complex Packages” but will help entry level people a lot with easy packages Must Read Blog for all people who want to use APP-V in an Enterprise or IT-Service enviroment. Guru Blog: Download: […]

Deployment Links most used

Deployment Adobe Reader Products: Update, patch | Acrobat, Reader | Windows, Incremental, Full quartlery? All explained (Understand why to Patch 9.4.2 First after 9.4 and then INC 9.4.3 and 9.4.4.) Adobe, WPKG Deployment information for Reader and Flash, good samples and direct links to binaries Java Runtime  Flash 10.3 and the Control […]

Exchange 2010 generate SSL-certficate request

1 Generate the Request in Powershell (Two Lines of code, -path does not work like we used in Exchange 2007) $data = New-ExchangeCertificate -GenerateRequest -SubjectName “c=CH, S=BL, L=Aesch, o=Butsch Informatik,” -DomainName -PrivateKeyExportable:$True set-content -Path c:\edv\ -value $data 2 Send your ISP  the File (textfile). ISP or Comodo, Verisign, Thawtee and order the IIS7, 1024BIT, […]

Exchange 2007 Restrict ActiveSync for only certain modell of phones

Starting with Exchange 2007 SPX you can use the Set-CASMailbox with the ActiveSyncAllowedDeviceIDs parameter to lock down a certiain user to a specific device ID. Not that it helps you immediately, but Exch 2010 has included automatic quarantining/blocking of devices based on Device Model and Type with ActiveSyncDeviceAccessRule  set-CASMailbox [-ActiveSyncAllowedDeviceIDs <MultiValuedProperty>] [-ActiveSyncDebugLogging <Nullable>] [-ActiveSyncEnabled <$true […]

Deployment: MS Framework 4.0 Silent Deployment

Aaron Stebler MS BlogSilent install, repair and uninstall command lines for the .NET Framework 4 Appdeploy MS .NET Framework 4.0 Setup MS Silent Setup Framework 4 in Detail (SSCM 2007) Liste aller Framework 4 Hotfixes welche man anfordern muss (Nicht WSUS) Liste aller im Januar 2011 nötigen Updates & Hotfixes fuer .NET Serien (Inkl. silent switches) […]