Try our new Certificate Revocation List Check Tool
CRLcheck.exe is a tool developed to verify digital signatures of executable files. It collects files from known paths on your client, checks their signature, and checks Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) and OCSP download. This helps avoid delays in launching files.

Exchange 2010 Upgrade SP1 auf SP2, prerequisites in Detail

Exchange 2010 Version: To determine the Rollup that has been applied to Microsoft Exchange 2010, run the following command in the Exchange Management Shell: GCM exsetup |%{$_.Fileversioninfo} To determine the Microsoft Exchange version for all Microsoft Exchange Servers in the organisation: Get-ExchangeServer | Format-Table Name, *Version* For Microsoft Exchange 2010 base, the ProductVersion will display […]

Exchange 2010 Public Folder, Mail activated, Permissions needed

  If you generate a new Public Folder and Mail activate it the user “Anonymous” or “Anonym” does automatically get the permission “Create Objects”. This is needed so an external incoming E-Mail can read the Mail enabled Public Folder. If you MOVE or MIGRATE and Change a lot of permissions this may be the reason […]

Exchange 2003 / 2007 /2010 Migration Convert Adresslists

Exchange 2003 / 2007 Migration Convert Adresslists in Powershell Do this at the end when all mailboxes are moved to 2007/2010, your public Folders are migrated and your are planing to finish the migration.   Default E-Mail Address Policy: Set-EmailAddressPolicy “Default Policy” -IncludedRecipients AllRecipients -ForceUpgrade . Default Address Lists ENGLISH: . Set-AddressList “All Contacts” -IncludedRecipients […]

Exchange 2007 SP2 Upgrade (2010 Pre Migration) or 2007 Deinstall Error with MSP Rollups

 Exchange 2007 SP2 Upgrade Fehler: Das Produkt mit dem Code 24b2c164-de66-44fe-b468-a46d9d5e6b31 kann nicht entfernt werden. Unknown error (0x663). Fehlercode: 1635. Unknown error (0x663)   For the Rollup in generall * Turn off UAC * In Internet Explorer Advanced Turn of both Certification revoke Things * Install the MSP with LOGFILES     Here is how […]

RUS / Adressrichtlinien setzen in Exchange 2007/2010 mit Powershell

Wie mache ich ein Adressrichtlinie im Exchange 2007/2010 Zur Auswahl in der GUI stehen nur einige Optionen. Leider nicht die Option: Erster Buchstabe Vorname . Nachname @ Domain Diese muss man im Powershell machen: new-EmailAddressPolicy -Name ‘’ -IncludedRecipients ‘AllRecipients’ -Priority ‘Lowest’ -EnabledEmailAddressTemplates ‘’ So kann man alle Werte der RUS-Richtlinie ansehen: Get-EmailAddressPolicy -identity “” […]

Windows XP How to install Powershell 2.0 if Powershell 1.0 was installed

Windows XP How to install Powershell 2.0 if Powershell 1.0 was installed Installing WindowsXP-KB968930-x86-DEU.exe if WindowsXP-KB926141-v2-x86-ENU.exe is already installed. Never delete any Directory under C:\Windows\$NtUninstallKB***$ Main problem was that people think they can delete all files under C:\Windows\$NtUninstallKB***$ which are the source files for the Windows Updates. You could save a lot of space with […]

Powershell Links for Exchange 2007/2010

Hot wo automate a Powershell on Windows Server: Free ActiveRoles Management Shell for Active Directory 32/64-bit from Quest: How to load the Powershell Plugins into the Shell (As example Exchange and the Quest) Add-PSSnapIn -Name Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.Admin,Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement Here is how to skip/catch the error if the SNAP in has laready been […]

Exchange Running Powershell from Batch on Server 2008/R2, 32/64BIT

Exchange Running Powershell from Batch on Server 2008/R2 32/64BIT, c:\windows\Sysnative Patch If your recieve the error while running a Powershell from Batch: WARNING: The following errors occurred when loading console D:\ProgramFiles\Microsoft\Exchange Server\bin\exshell.psc1:Cannot load Windows PowerShell snap-in Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.Admin because of the following error:No snap-ins have been registered for Windows PowerShell version 2.Command ‘c:\batch\butsch.ps1’ could not be […]

Windows XP Sp3, Event 516, mfehdik, SLL-API, memory Leak, crypt32.dll

Windows XP Sp3, Event 516, mfehdik, SLL-API, memory Leak, crypt32.dll Memory leak in MFEVTPS.EXE Recent Microsoft security updates for Windows XP SP3 and Server 2003R2 introduce a memory leak for the VirusScan Enterprise process MFEVTPS.EXE. The leak is actually from a Windows binary, Crypt32.dll, that MFEVTPS.EXE utilizes. A fix for this issue is available from Microsoft. […]

Adobe Flash 11 / Silent Install and Migration from 10.X

OS: 32BIT Version: Check for Version: %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\Macromed\Flash\Flash11c.ocx 1 Kill Browsers with Batch and tools like PSKILL.EXE from Systernals/MS 2 uninstall_flash_player_32bit.exe -uninstall activex 3 install_flash_player_ax_32bit.exe -install 4 Copy file mms.cfg to %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\Macromed\Flash (See how to make this to disable Auto Update) Windows 32-bit Flash Player for Internet Explorer Flash Player for other browsers   Windows […]

WSUS 3.0 Database growing to large (Crash in WSUS)

OSQL.exe Standalone How to shrink WSUS 3.X Database with Express Edition sqlcmd –I -S np:\\.\pipe\MSSQL$MICROSOFT##SSEE\sql\query –i <scriptLocation>\WsusDBMaintenance.sql use the WsusDBMaintenance.sql script from the MS Link.