Try our new Certificate Revocation List Check Tool
CRLcheck.exe is a tool developed to verify digital signatures of executable files. It collects files from known paths on your client, checks their signature, and checks Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) and OCSP download. This helps avoid delays in launching files.

Behebung Fehler Mcafee VSE 8.8 SP2 TRUST beim Scannen und Event 516 crypt32.dll

Dieses Dokument beschreibt wie man Mcafee Event516 oder Untrusted Fehlermeldung beheben kann. Fehlermeldung: scan32.exe – Ungültiges Bildscan64.exe – Ungueltiges Bild Versionen:   * Client Windows 7 64BIT SP1, German Language * Mcafee VSE 8.8 P2 with HF Post SP2 ( BUILD 14.08.2012) * DAT 7180.0000 * Framework * EPO 4.6   Der Fehler tritt […]

Massive Spam Reply wave in Switzerland 08.08.2013 – Federal E-Mail domain involved

Subject Range: RE: [#SMV-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]: Transfer – Ueberweisung   Since today 08.08.2013 starting around 17:10 O’clock CET we see a large amount of “Reply – Delete me also” spam running through all kind devices and also large enterprise Spam filters. We even have a reply from Swiss federal E-Mail domain which hosts all or most […]

The certificate is invalid for exchange server usage Exchange 2010 SAN/UC

Error after importing a SAN/UC Certificate in Exchange 2010: Error 1: “The certificate is invalid for exchange server usage” This is because of a missing ROOT and Intermediate CA not imported. Now Error After you resolved you get: Error 2: “The certificate status could not be determined because the revocation check failed” That means the Certificate Service […]

Exchange 2010 SAN Certificates, HLB, CAS-Array SSL Links used in 2013

CAS-Array auf SAN Cert oder nicht? No, the RPC CAS Array host name should not be in the SSL certificate. People who are posting otherwise are wrong.   TN 5703 – How do I enroll for an Entrust SSL certificate when my sites are load balanced? 1 oder 2 […]

Managing permission of Calendars or Room Resource with Powershell on Exchange 2007 / 2010

  Please also check our post ( which handles more complex rooms with delegates   In general you would give someone “Full access” with the ESM Exchange Management Konsole and that person then opens the Mailbox or Room with outlook.exe. Here is way to do this with powershell. As example if an assistant wants access […]

Exchange 2003 > 2010, 2007 > 2010 Public Folder Replication / Migration

Exchange 2003 > 2010, 2007 > 2010 Public Folder Replication / Migration V1.0, 12.06.2013, M. Butsch, http.//  Please also see our Blog: 1 Generate/make a Public Folder on the Exchange 2010 by GUI: 2 Turn off any limits on both sides (Old and new PF’s) 3 Push Size Limit to some temp value 3 […]

KB2775511 W7 / 2008 R2 Hotfix Sammlung POST SP1 Pack (90 patches) WIN7 32 & 64BIT / Server 2008 R2 ML / language Neutral  Das soll es verbessern: Logon Schneller Policy Handling mit viel Policies auf clients schneller Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) DFSN-client Ordnerumleitung Offline-Dateien und Ordner (CSC) SMB-client Umgeleiteten Drive Buffering Subsystem (RDB) multiple UNC Provider (MUP) Es gibt neu ein Enterprise Pack […]