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Exchange: Anti Virus Software on Exchange 2010/2013 Servers – Mcafee

File and Process Exclusion for Anti Virus Software for Exchange 2010 / 2013 Cdb.exe Microsoft.Exchange.Pop3service.exe MSExchangeRepl.exe Cidaemon.exe,Microsoft.Exchange.ProtectedServiceHost.exe MSExchangeSubmission.exe Clussvc.exe, Microsoft.Exchange.RPCClientAccess.Service.exe MSExchangeTransport.exe Dsamain.exe Microsoft.Exchange.Search.Service.exe MSExchangeTransportLogSearch.exe EdgeCredentialSvc.exe Microsoft.Exchange.Servicehost.exe MSExchangeThrottling.exe EdgeTransport.exe Microsoft.Exchange.Store.Service.exe Msftefd.exe ExFBA.exe Microsoft.Exchange.Store.Worker.exe Msftesql.exe hostcontrollerservice.exe Microsoft.Exchange.TransportSyncManagerSvc.exe OleConverter.exe Inetinfo.exe Microsoft.Exchange.UM.CallRouter.exe Powershell.exe Microsoft.Exchange.AntispamUpdateSvc.exe MSExchangeDagMgmt.exe ScanEngineTest.exe Microsoft.Exchange.ContentFilter.Wrapper.exe MSExchangeDelivery.exe ScanningProcess.exe Microsoft.Exchange.Diagnostics.Service.exe MSExchangeFrontendTransport.exe TranscodingService.exe Microsoft.Exchange.Directory.TopologyService.exe MSExchangeHMHost.exe UmService.exe Microsoft.Exchange.EdgeSyncSvc.exe MSExchangeHMWorker.exe UmWorkerProcess.exe […]

Outlook 2010/2013 disable automatic Team Calendar

Wird im Active Directory das Manager Feld belegt dann erscheint bei dem Benutzer im Outlook Automatisch Kalender eine neue Gruppe “Team Kalender”. Haben viele Personen den gleichen Vorgesetzten kann dies zu einer riesen Liste führen Beispiel: Dieses verhalten wird von Microsoft wie folgt beschrieben: “Team Calendar is a feature of Outlook 2010. You could find […]

WSUS: Windows Update Server. Most common Problems. FAQ

Connect to SQL Internal WSUS Datbase on diffrrent OS: Auf 2003:    \\.\pipe\MSSQL$MICROSOFT##SSEE\sql\queryAuf 2012R2: \\.\pipe\microsoft##WID\tsql\query Missing “SelfUpdate” in Default Website when running WSUS under 8530    To make sure that the self-update tree is working correctly, first make sure that there is a Web site set up on port 80 of the WSUS server. You must have […]

WSUS, Windows Update Client Agent Commandline wuauclt.exe

The following are the command line for wuauclt.exe Most used: wuauclt.exe /reportnow wuauclt.exe /reportnow /detectnow wuauclt.exe /UpdateNow wuapp.exe (To show the Windows Update regular BOX you know from wihoput WSUS) wuauclt.exe /resetauthorization /detectnow  Option Description /a /ResetAuthorization Initiates an asynchronous background search for applicable updates. If Automatic Updates is disabled, this option has no […]

Windows 8.1 Update (KB 2919355) prevents interaction with WSUS 3.2 over SSL

Der Fehlerhafte Patch wurde aus dem WSUS automatisch zurückgezogen und ist nicht sichtbar am 10.04.2014 There is a known issue which causes some PCs updated with the Windows 8.1 Update (KB 2919355) to stop scanning against Windows Server Update Services 3.0 Service Pack 2 (WSUS 3.0 SP2 or WSUS 3.2) servers which are configured […]

Exchange 2010, Multiple MAPI public folder trees were found, 2000/2003 pf-leftover

While opening the Public Folder Console on a Exchange 2010 you get following Error:     Error:   “Multiple MAPI public folder trees were found. It was running the command ‘get-publicfolder -getchildren -identity ‘\’ -server ‘[Exchange 2010 server name]'”   Cause/Customer scene:   This was in a 2nd Exchange install environment with that customer. (2003 […]

Outlook 2010, mailto:IMCEAINVALID, Autovervollständigung E-Mail Adresse

Fehler: ( <> Problem bei der Zustellung der Nachricht. Kontakt als MAILTO statt SMTP im Outlook.exe Probleme mit Autovervollständigung / Vorschläge im Outlook.exe 2010 NIRSOFT NK2Edit Es ist leider so, dass Outlook.exe basierend auf der a) ersten alten E-Mail von einem Kontakt (z.B. 5 Jahre zurück) die E-Mail Adresse versucht aufzubauen/Vorzuschlagen. Wurde diese E-Mail […]

DNS DIG Lookup / MX Check / Network Diag Links

Since the redesign, which does not seem to work properly under some IE versions, we had to use other resources or say find them. Beside we use for MX SPAM lookup there is which is really nice and does most of the stuff for you automatic incl. good Name server check.   […]

Exchange Migration, Server 2008 SMTP Service installation to re-route old traffic

ERROR: Server 2008 SMTP Service does NOT Log to FILE. Solution: Check that “ODB LOGGING” Is installed under Role Services Full story: After you de-installed the Exchange 2003/2007 on the old server it may be a good idea to still capture incoming SMTP-Traffic to the old server like from scanners or active Servers which relay […]

Exchange 2003/2007/2010/2013 Remove Last Public Folder „Future Version Error“

“Object is Red Only because it was created in a future version of Exchange” Unable to Remove the Last Public Folder in 2007 Console. Does not show up in 2010 Console. Here is how to remove the LAST Public Folder on 2007 after you have followed all steps Under: Before you […]

WINMAIL.DAT (Exchange 2007/2010) Outlook 2010

RTF = Rich Text Format (The text/enriched MIME Content-type)   Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format or TNEF is a proprietary email attachment format used by Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Exchange Server. An attached file with TNEF encoding is most often named winmail.dat or win.dat, and has a MIME type of Application/MS-TNEF. The official […]