Try our new Certificate Revocation List Check Tool
CRLcheck.exe is a tool developed to verify digital signatures of executable files. It collects files from known paths on your client, checks their signature, and checks Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) and OCSP download. This helps avoid delays in launching files.

SRV 2012 R2, Event 157, Disk x has been surprise removed

OS:     Server 2012R2, English, Domain Controller Event:     157 Error:     Disk x has been surprise removed This is mostly due a Backup Software (Event Windows Backup) which uses VSS-Snapshot. There seems to be no file corruption or loss of Storage. In our case we had Windows Backup running and it was VSS disconnecting

APPV 4.6 client Event 3144 and no Reporting

Error:     Event 3144 on APP-V (APPV) client machine Client:     Microsoft APPV client 4.6 SP1 with up to Hotfix6 The APPV client does not update usage data so you are unable to see which APPV apps are used also in terms of licenses. Der Berichtsdatencache von Application Virtualization Client konnte nicht an die Veröffentlichungsserver-URL ‘rtsp://customerapv01:554/’ gesendet […]

Netapp Snapdrive Migration from Version. to Exchange 2010

Product: Netapp Snapdrive Migration from Version. to Product running on it: Exchange 2010 DAG (Cluster components) Following hotfixes are NEW additional required for Netapp Snapdrive Version P2 on an Exchange 2010 DAG Mailbox Server. However all three of them have been Superseded by newer Patches through Microsoft. You are able to select […]

Exchange Management Console in Exchange 2010 Error on CAS

Problem:  Exchange Management Console in Exchange 2010 will not open and references a server that is down or has been removed from the environment. Error Verbiage: Initialization Failed The following error occurred while attempting to connect to the specified Exchange server ‘ The attempt to connect to’/powershell using ‘Kerberos’ authentication failed: Connecting to the remote […]

Exchange 2010 Public Folder Migration: Replicas stay on 2007 with Load Balancer Setup

Special: Load Balancer Setup with CAS-Array, Hardware Load Balancer like KEMP. Gateway both CAS are going to KEMP backside. But Static Routes on both CAS to Backup Server, DC’s, Acronis Servers, old Exchange. Split DNS. We mostly see this with customer having Internal: (LAN) and External: (Wan) which is the correct way after […]

Defrag Exchange 2007/2010 Database/MailboxDataBase with ESEUTIL If you are at the end of Migration. Check there are no user active on the DB:   Show all mailboxes on Database “mb3” Get-Mailbox -Database “mb3” | select Displayname, Alias, Database, OrganizationalUnit | ft -wrap –auto   Also check this KB for hidden accounts and dead accounts : Get the Path of the […]

Why Symantec losses all their long term BEXEC customer to Veeam and others

Today, let’s delve into the intricacies of the Bexec 2014 news that reverberated across the IT domain on September 7, 2014. The communication, shared directly with customers, shed light on critical insights regarding the trajectory of BEXEC 2012 XX and the compelling migration towards Veeam. For an in-depth understanding of the rationale behind this transition, […]

Exchange 2010/2013 How to turn of Mail TIPS (outlook.exe)

Event:     14035 Source:    MSEXCHANGE MAILTIPS Event: You can ignore this if you wish; if you’re not using MailTips then you can just disable this and will hopefully get out of the event log. Turn it off for all users: Set-OrganizationConfig –MailTipsGroupMetricEnabled $False Configuring MailTips Understanding MailTips

Internet Explorer / Scripts, Clear growing Cookie and Caching Files

Temporary Internet Files RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 8 Cookies RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 2 History RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 1 Form Data RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 16 Passwords RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 32 Delete All RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 255 Delete All – “Also delete files and settings stored by add-ons” RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 4351 @ECHO off :SelectOptions CLS ECHO Howdy %username% : ECHO 1. Delete Non-trusted web […]

WSUS: MS14-028, Patchday 13.05.2014, iSCSI patch Uninstall Risk / problem

Beim durchgehen der Updates vom Mai 2014 Patchday ist mir folgender Patch aufgefallen: Wenn man den Patch de-installieren “würde” wären die Zuordnungen der Laufwerke verloren.   Note: Uninstallation will remove iSCSI Target from the system, including its configuration settings. For instructions on exporting the iSCSI configuration settings for backup purposes prior to uninstallation, see […]