Try our new Certificate Revocation List Check Tool
CRLcheck.exe is a tool developed to verify digital signatures of executable files. It collects files from known paths on your client, checks their signature, and checks Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) and OCSP download. This helps avoid delays in launching files.

AVM Fritzbox Wiki Links!Box-Familie#FRITZ.21Box_Fon_WLAN!Box_Fon_WLAN_7390!Box_Fon_WLAN_7490   PPPoE Bridge  

MS Systernals includes VirusTOTAL check with just one click Mark Russinovich and Bryce Cogswell have released a new Version of their Autoruns tool. You can now check every Executable that resides in services, Autostart, RUNOCNE and other registry keys automatic with just one mouseclick on Virustotal. The Executable is then checked against a total of 50 virus search engines. This is asbolute great […]

Dameware can’t be installed on Vista or later with UAC enabled

Dameware can’t be installed on Vista or later with UAC enabled Was “forced” to work on Vista for a related while invited for dinner 😉 Workaround Connect to the remote computer using Windows Remote Desktop or local On the remote computer, open Registry Editor (regedit.exe). Expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > policies, and then select […]

WSUS, Patchday 10/11/12 year 2014 Updates DENY list

From customer test group feedback, Blogs, Analyze and monitoring we do not recommend following patches without further analyses, manual Controlling any version controlling V2 V3 etc. The patches are confusing because Microsoft does not do any filename_v2 anymore so you can identify the version by filename. Check blog to see how you script the identification […]


The generation of SAN SSL Certificates is slighlty diffrent in command then under Exchange 2007. The customer has: a) An internet site or External DNS Name of: like for or b) Active Directory Site called customer.local You have to know if he wants to do: 1) Activesync for Handy, IPAD; Iphone, Mobiles from outside (Iternet) [] 2) […]

Harddisk Error Analyse Monitoring Smart+

The Google Document and also from the ISP contains some interesting Information on temperature in Server rooms and the reliability of server disks. People also found out that depending on the manufacturer of the Hard disk and the Main board sometimes the SMART+ Information is useless on Desktop or laptop disks. Disk with Reallocation recount […]

Microsoft Updates 2992611 / 3011780 from 18/19.11.2014 re-releases Exchange/IIS/DC’s

  Event 4002, Exchange 2010 CAS, MSExchange Availability     Microsoft KB 3011780 (V2) gets re-releases on 19.11.2014 Microsoft KB 2992611 (V3) gets re-releases on 19.11.2014 (V2) / 09.12.2014 (V3) V1.0 (November 11, 2014): Bulletin published. V2.0 (November 18, 2014): Bulletin revised to announce the reoffering of the 2992611 update to systems running Windows […]

Vorabklärung Exchange Migration white spaces in Alias

Vorabklärung Exchange Migration white spaces in Alias Bei einer Exchange Migration muss das tool LDIFDE verwendet werden um Konten zu finden, welche Whitespace/Leerzeichen im Alias haben. Diese können sonst nicht migriert werden. Check mit Tool auf Exchange Server oder DC (mailNickname = Alias) Muster: ldifde –f smtplist.txt –d ” ou=GSC_New_Structure,dc=meinedomain,dc=ch” -l displayname,mailNickname Bei einer Exchange […]

Microsoft October 2014 Windows Updates problems

Several customers had problems with Windows Updates: KB 2952664 KB 2949927 KB 2995388 (APPV, Frontrange, Filemaker, SNAGIT) KB 3000061 Here is how to uninstall the October silent with Batch if you did not study, read inform you and wait 😉 wusa /uninstall /kb:2952664 /quiet /norestart wusa /uninstall /kb:2949927 /quiet /norestart wusa /uninstall /kb:2995388 /quiet /norestart […]